An Arabian proverb says, “he who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything”.  There is a saying that says,  “health is wealth”. This is very true because if you are not healthy, you cannot be wealthy as you won’t have the strength and power to do anything meaningful.
          Without health, the people stagnate. With good health people develop and progress. This is because health touches on the physical, mental, emotional as well as the spiritual aspects of life. This is why the world Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a “complete state of physical, mental, emotional wellbeing and not just the absence of disease or infirmity”.
          I’m not a medical doctor but a computer scientist turned writer. This book is written out of passion for people to be healthy. In developing this book, I have taken out time to research extensively, I have browsed the internet to get more information, I have met with medical doctors to offer useful suggestions and input into this article.
          In this article, I have highlighted and brought to the fore healthy habits for our healthy living. If you will follow the principles / tips shared in this article religiously, you will certainly be healthy. I wish you a long life. Happy reading.
           The cardinal goal is to ensure that the average person is sufficiently educated on healthy habits to live a healthier and better life.
          3 John 2 is a summary of God’s intention concerning man: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
          The church has always prayed (and there is nothing wrong with prayer), but we also need wisdom. God’s will for you is health. Many don’t know what divine health is. There is a difference between getting healed / well, and not getting sick at all. That is to say, there is a difference between divine healing and divine health. A believer (born again person) is not permitted to be sick (is not supposed to be sick).
          It is important therefore to get acquainted with the principles of divine health, so that you don’t ever get sick.
          Someone testifies, “I was sick and now I am healed.” Praise God, But I believe it is better not to be sick at all; which is not possible except you posses the knowledge required.
          For over ten years now, I have never visited any hospital, nor have I needed to take any drugs to stay healthy. I’m not saying it’s a sin to take drugs, but I believe a Christian is better off without drugs, since God has given us the privilege of divine health.  So, I see you joining the class of people who boldly declare, “For so many years, I’ve not been sick.”
          I am going to share with you here,  power laws, which when you observe, you will live in divine health the remaining days of your life.

          I’m not a medical Doctor but I have read a lot of medical and health books, and have research, attended health seminars extensively and based on the knowledge I have gathered I now write this book.
          The desire of every normal human is to be in health. Therefore to gain the best out of your health, it is the Author’s pleasure to introduce this article to you.        
“You cannot arrive unless you’re first alive, if your physical body fails, your body of knowledge won’t count, therefore be Health wise”.
                                                            -Kayode Babatope

There are several key areas in which a healthy habits will be of benefits. These are physical, mental and emotional health.
Physical Health
You need to adjust your behavior in such a way that you enjoy high levels of physical health and energy most of the time.
Too many people have cut short their lives simply because they fail to watch their health. You cannot really live in the first place if your health is bad. Life is health. Once your physical health is down, your ministry, talent, job, career and destiny is finished. Keep your body in shape by making the following a part of your lifestyle:
·        Exercise Regularly
Find time to play a little and rest. Barbara Brawn say,’’ exercise, especially outdoor exercise, helps not just the body but the mind and emotions as well. The body will be more relaxed, and consequently feel better; the mind will be refreshed and more alert and emotions will have a chance to unwind, thereby releasing tension.’’
Exercise Regularly: the rule with regard to your body is “if you don’t use it, you lose it.” Regular exercise, even moderate exercise, can have a tremendous impact in helping you feel better, digest better, sleep better and be a happier and more positive person. 
Moderate exercise is a good habit to cultivate when combined with a balanced and nutritious diet. Exercise can help you to burn off excess fat, allowing hormone levels to return to normal. It is wise not to overdo exercise as otherwise can impair fertility.
It is very important to be physically active by doing regular exercise for about 30-40 minutes every day. This includes brisk walking or running, recycling, swimming, and lifting some weights. When we exercise, it enables our blood to circulate and boosts oxygen level significantly for the benefit of our body and brain.
Regular exercise, even moderate exercise can have a tremendous impact in helping you to feel better, digest better, sleep better and be a happier and more positive person. Hear what the Lord wishes and in 3rd John 2, “beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest proper and be in health, even as they soul prospered”. God’s will for you is good health.
·        Healthy Eating
Healthy eating is not about strict nutritional philosophies or staying unrealistically thin or starving yourself of the foods you love. It therefore has to do with healthy eating process which can be achieved by practicing them in our daily lives. The strategies are:

©     Eat Right
Eating right plays an importance role in your body’s fertility. A balanced diet helps to regulate hormones and nourish your reproductive system. A good diet also helps you to maintain a healthy weight, which can greatly impact fertility. It is especially important to include certain vitamins and minerals in your diet. Be aware of what you eat and watch your weight by maintaining a healthy weight.

©     Eat correctly
                   Eat well to live well. Exodus 16:4, says, “then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate everyday, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or not”. God gave them a provision of a special food: manna, which contained all the essential minerals and vitamins. So it was a balanced diet.
The number one healthy habit is eating correctly. You don’t have to eat everything you see. I once read from an article on the internet about “the beauty secrets of celebrities”. I was informed that they don’t eat everything. They mostly take water, fruits and their best food. Eat a healthy diet and don’t eat everything. They take water, fruits, do exercise and then eat little food.
Eat healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fiber and fish. Cut down on foods high in saturated fat and sodium..
Eat much of vegetables, grains, fruits high in complex carbohydrates, legumes, vitamins, fiber and minerals. Eat early and eat often. Start your day with a healthy breakfast.
©     Drink More Water
Our body         is about 75%water. It is a vital part of a healthy diet. Water helps to flush our systems especially the kidneys. Listen to your body; ask yourself if you are really hungry. Try drinking a glass of water first, because you could be thirsty. Ensure that you take daily two glasses of warm water with a glass of lemon. The lemon is necessary at it is an antiseptic that flushes out toxic waste from the body.

Water works in the body resistance to diseases and increase energy. The body of an adult consists of about 60% water. It is a part of everybody’s cell. Children above 5 years of age may have 70% water and children less than 5 years of age my have about 75% water.

Water is the single most important nutrient for our body; you can live five to seven weeks without food, but the average adult can last not more than five days without water. Water is the best therapy for growing youthful skin. Water is a natural diuretic. Water is essential for maintaining muscle tone, allowing muscle to contract naturally, thus preventing dehydration.

©Cultivate the habit of resting
Learn to take adequate rest and relation. Don’t be a workaholic. God requires that we rest. He believes on resting. After six days of creation, on the seventh day, he rested. This can be seen in Genesis 2:1-3. “ Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made”. Make sure you get proper rest. Pastor David Ibiyeomie says, “If you refuse to rest, the world will lay you to rest”. If you drop dead now, life continues, somebody else will quickly take your place.

©     Avoid Anxiety
Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. If you can’t get it now, it is simply not your turn or time for it. The bible says, “But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” – Philippians 4 : 6 & 19 (KJV).

In Matthew 6:25, hear what God said to us: Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life what ye shall eat, or what you shall drink; 
 nor yet  for your body , what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat; and the body than raiment? And in verse 31-32, it says “therefore take no thoughts, saying, what we shall eat, or shall we eat, or what shall we drink? Or wherewithal shall we be clothed? (for after all these thing do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly father knoweth that ye have need of  all these things”. In addition,

·    Avoi  d reckless activities and stay clean.
·    Safety first
·    Take time to exercise and improve your body
·    Do not put unnecessary stress on the body.
·    Stay away from harmful substances.

Mental Health
Manage your mental health by doing the following:
·       Get proper rest
·    Be open minded, accept new ideas and change.
·    Stop worrying about what you don’t have now and what you cannot change.
·    Be able to speak and write well
·    Constantly study and improve yourself
·    Don’t be anxious for anything
·    Understand the complexities of other people
·    Know when to speak and when to listen
·    Do not be afraid to admit when you are wrong
·    Be able to offer helpful insight.
Emotional Health
Take the necessary steps to maintain and improve on your emotional health. These steps include and are not limited to the following:
·    Make people laugh or attend comedy shows: Humor can relive tension and stress.
·    Capture the attention and respect of others
·    Easy to get along with people
·    Accept yourself the way you are

Beware of Alcohol

Since the number one cause of premature death up to age of 40 is automobile accidents, and as many as 50percent of automobile accidents are alcohol – related, this is a good piece of advice.
According to, drinking of alcohol can impair a woman’s drinking of alcohol can impair a woman’s fertility. It reduces a woman’s ability to conceive and maintain a healthy pregnancy. In men, alcohol may result in abnormal liver function and a raise in estrogen levels. Alcohol is a toxin that can kill off the sperm – generating cells in the testicle. A sperm takes at least three months to develop and so when you have high level of alcohol in your system, you are not likely to get the best quality of sperms in the long run. The following twelve (12) conditions are linked to chronic heavy drinking: Anemia, Cancer, cardiovascular Disease, Cirrhosis, Dementia, Depression, Seizures, Gout, High Blood pressure, infections Damage, Nerve Damage and pancreatitis
·        Quit Smoking
Smoking is so detrimental to the entire human system that it alone cause more illnesses than all the other environmental or hereditary factors put together. Researchers have identified at least 32 forms of illness, including a variety of cancer, that are caused by or aggravated in some way by smoking. The very act of quitting smoking can do more to improve a person’s overall health than a change in any other single health habit.

You’ve heard time and time again, but did you know that you can add two to eight years to your life if you stop smoking? Cigarettes, Indian hems, cocaine etc. can impair both a woman and a man’s fertility, research suggests. They found that it affects how receptive the uterus is to the egg. In men, smoking can reduce sperm production and damage (DNA.)
 The following tips could be useful
Instead of frying things, try baking them without fat. That is, stay away from fried foods.
-        Eat fruits/ foods in season.
-        Choose a variety of foods from all food groups everyday.
-        Prefer fresh fruit juice instead of those that contain artificial flavors and colors.
-        Choose a variety of foods from all food groups everyday
-        Prefer fresh fruit juice instead of those that contain artificial flavors and colors
-        Fresh vegetables are better than cooked or canned vegetables.
-        Fats should be about 20 – 25%
-        Stay away from sweetened drinks.
-        Choose white meat rather that red
-        Include in all your diet things that have more water like tomatoes and water melons.
-        Not more than an egg a day.
-        15 to 20% of your of your diet should be proteins.
Towards Becoming Healthy Forever Tips
·        Take good care of yourself
·        Forgive and forget about people that have offended you.
·        Don’t use sugar, but honey in your tea
·        A small quantity of salt is ideal. Avoid raw salt on a ready to eat food.
·        Regular medical check up for malaria, typhoid, cancer, etc
·        Avoid to much thinking to evade hypertension
·        Take advantage of fitness centers around you
·        Break your worry habit
·        Ensure your environment is clean always
·        Be joyful always
·         Avoid negative attitude
Fruits and vegetables taste great and are jam-packed with vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. For you to stay fit and healthy, you need to give them a balanced diet which includes fruits and vegetables every day.
This article is powered by  Power Household of Destiny Int’l.(Phdi)
For more information and counseling, please contact:
Akanimo Inim, @Jepinak Konsulting(A Subsidiary of Jepinak Group),
 Akwa Ibom State – Nigeria
08077773301, 0809773088, 07030871600,  08067912880
twitter: twitter@ powerhousehold

                 ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Akanimo Inim has a Diploma in Computer Programming and Operations from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Diploma in Computer Engineering and Networking from Proconnect Computer and Management Institute, Uyo, B.Sc (Hons.) Degree in Computer Science from University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria and Proficiency Certificate in Management (NIM) (Chartered).

He also holds a Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) Degree in Computer Science, Master of Science (M.Sc) in Computer Science (in view) from the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.      
Akanimo Inim is the MD/CEO of Jepinak Group. Jepinak Group is a Training, Publishing and Consulting organization based in Akwa Ibom State,  Nigeria. He is the Founder/International President of Power Household of Destiny International(PhDi). PhDi is not a church but a motivational platform committed to Preparing and Packaging People to Pursue their Purpose.

Akanimo Inim is also the Founder/International President of Better Nigeria International Network a.k.a Akanimo Inim Foundation. Better Nigeria is an organization committed to Nurturing a New breed of Nigerians for a Better Nigeria.

He is a Business Coach, Entrepreneur, Columnist, and a Mentor to many. He Counsels, Speaks and Writes on Destiny and Business. At the time of writing this book he resides in Akwa Ibom State, with his wife, Victoria Inim.  


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