(Author of Discover your Destiny)


“To be informed is to be transformed and to be uninformed is to be deformed”.
                                                    -Bishop(Dr.)David O. Oyedepo

“If you are not updated, you will become outdated and if you are not inspired, you will expire ”.
                                                -Pastor Olumide Emmanuel




On the occasion



Copyright (c) 2012 by AKANIMO INIM
ISBN: 978-083-031-9
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INTRODUCTION ………………….             WISDOM………………………………………….                             1-SUCCESS……………………………………………                           3-FAILURE…………………………………………....          
THINK DEEP……………………………………..  
YOUR MIND………………………………                      14-FAITH……………………………………….                                17-POVERTY…………………………………….
LIFE……………………………………………                              22-FAMILY………………………………………………..                           34-GOALS……………………………………………….          
VISION     ……………………………….                38-

Dedicated to all Nigerian youths worldwide. This book is also dedicated to the All Mighty God, who gave me the inspiration to compiled and developed it for the teeming public consumption.


First and foremost I want to acknowledge and thank Almighty God for His mercies, and faithfulness.
I want to seize this medium to thank my parents, pastor/Mrs James Edem Inim, for their support and encouragement at all time.
I wish t also acknowledge the contribution of my post graduate colleagues, Uduak Idem and Chiamaka, in the University of port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, whose words of encouragement spurred me up in compiling this book.
I will not fail to thank Mr. Aniefiok Bassey, Operations Manager, Anbakon (Nig.) Enterprises, No. 16 Industry Rd, by NPA, Port Harcourt, whose words of encouragement and some nuggets I got from him, helm me in no small measure.
I thank Miss Mfon Anso  for painstakingly typesetting the manuscript of this book. May God bless her richly.  

Finally, I want to sincerely thank Nsikak Idet whose inputs, expert advise, contributions and proof reading helps s much.

The road to personal and professional success is a lifelong journey of try, try  and try again until success comes.
This motivating and inspiring collection of quotations is a celebration of life lessons. Each fact is at changing your reasoning and then spurs you up for success.
In this book,  you will find more than 200 powerful, revealing, education, insightful and captivating quotations from different group of people-Writers, Business Professionals, Pastors Politicians, Philosophers scientists and everyday people who inspire us.
This wonderful collection was painstakingly compiled after many years of insightful reading, interaction with different classes f people, participating in many seminars, symposia and worships within Nigeria.
Developing this book has been an enlightening and interesting experience. It is my  fervent prayer and believe that reading these quotes will be an equally interesting and motivating experience as you journey through the success ladder.

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting  get understanding.
          -Proverbs 4:7
Divine wisdom free men from pressures, bringing them into pleasure.   
                                                     -Bishop David O. Oyedepo
If you are not updated, you will become outdated, and if you are not inspire, you you will be expired.
                                                              -Olumide O.Emmanuel
Understanding makes you outstanding.
Wisdom is the principal asset for business exploits.
                         -Pastor David Ibiyeomie
When next you need to make decision, be wise because you will end up as a product f your decision.
                                                    -Olumide O. Emmanuel
Wisdom is the womb that carries wealth.
                          -Proverbs 3v16
It is better to sow the little you can to assist someone than to lend them money they cannot repay only to end up hurting you.
                  -Olumide O. Emmanuel
If you are not informed, you will be mentally deformed.
Wisdom is the application of knowledge in given situation.
                   -Bishop David O. Oyedepo
Delegation is the key to Elevation and Division of labour to end quickly. Delegate as not to end up relegated.
                                                       -Olumide O. Emmanuel
The footstep to the temple of wisdom is knowledge of our own ignorance.
-Charles H. Spurgeon
Wisdom and knowledge  gained is never lost.
Never rehearse your problem, disperse it, so that God can reverse it.                                            -Olumide O.Emmanuel
Wisdom is the ability to work effectively and productively.
The level of your wisdom determines the level of inflow of blessings, into your life.
                                                            -Olumide O. Emmanuel
Knowledge is useless until it is applied.
Knowledge does not have legs so it does not depend on your physical problems.
Whatever calls for  celebration should be allowed to get to its completion before the celebration.
             -Olumide O. Emmanuel
God is the source of wisdom and if you ask Him He will give you.
              -Olumide O. Emmanuel

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
                                                          -Aristole, Greek philosopher
(384 – 322 B.C)
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.
                                                             -Abraham Lincoln

The secret to success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching!
                   -John Mason
Success is not a destination, but a progressive journey of life.   

You will never know the joy of success until you have experienced the sorrow of failure.         
Men who accomplish great things in the industrial world are those who have faith in the money producing power of their ideas. 
-Charles Fillmore          
You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.
-Zig Ziglar
You don’t make success in life by concentrating on your weakness but by going to your strengths.
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.
-Henry David Thoreau   
You can’t be truly successful until you truly know yourself.
Success is focusing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve.
                                                               -Wilfred A. Peterson 

Success is not an attainment, but an ad venture.
The toughest thing about success is that you’ve got keep on being a success. Talent is only a starting pint in this business. You have to keep on working on that talent. Someday I will reach for it and it wont be there.     
                     -Irving Berlin                                  
Truly successful people don’t talk about what they have done, they leave others to discuss their achievements while they look for the next thing to do.
There is n resting place in the school success because true success is in locating the next to do.

You take people to your home, show them your furniture, your cars and the houses you have build to prove that you are successful, rather you have itemize the things that you are planning to do!   
The anchor of success is accepting responsibility. The degree of your acceptance to responsibility determines the level of your success, Personal responsibility stir up personal development in turns give birth to personal achievement, it has nothing to do with age tribal inclination, or state of origin.

The first part of success is to Get-to it-tiveness; the second part stick to- it-tiveness.
-Orison Sweet Marden
Success is not an end but a continuous process.
I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite.
-G. K. Chesterton                        
You  don’t  attain  success, you grow into success.
Your success will be find in your ability to keep your on what is ahead of you and be distracted by  what is going on around you.
                                      -J. C. Mathew 
You have no excuse of not succeeding.
Success is not accumulations of money and resources, but state of reaching the peak of your career or profession.
Success is a state of mind.

Many of life failures are people who did not realize how close they were t success when they gave up.
                                                        -Thomas A.Edison - Inventor
Success is a journey---------- not a destination.
Somme rivers never runs dry because of  the source to which they are connected t God to evade dryness.

The ladder of success is never crowded at top.
                       -Napoleon Hill
You can’t  be truly success until you truly know yourself .

 If you want to know the true strength of a man, fine out his root or his connection.
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss r enthusiasm.
                                                           -Sir Winston Churchill

50 percent f something is better than 100 percent of something.
         -Brian Sher
Winners are just ex-loser who got mad.
                                            -Van Crouch
True success is being n frequency of constant success, where you’re succeeding in succession from one level of success to another.
    -Pastor David Ibiyeomie
Success is the progressive realization of a worthy  goal or idea.
    -Earl Ninghtingale 
Real success is finding your life work in the work that you love.
                              -David McCullugh
If you wish success in life, perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brothers, and hope your guardian genius.
   -Joseph Addison  
When I hear it can’t be done I know I’m close to success.
   -Michael  Flatley
Your Networth is dependent on your Network.
                     -David A. Adesina
God is the raiser of men and when He raises you no man can erase you.


When you fail to plan, then you have planned to fail.
-Dr. Mike Murdock
Failure doesn’t means you are a failure it does means you haven’t succeeded yet.
                                   -Robert H. Schuller
Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently.
-Henry Ford
I don’t know the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
              -Bill Cosby 
Failure is a process, it never happens suddenly.

When you subscribe to self pity, you manifest as a pitiable specimen.
-Pastor George Izunwa 
You are not finish when you are defeated – you are finished when you quit.                       
Never admit failure until you make your last attempt. Never make your last attempt until you have succeeded.
                              -Benjamin Disraeli 
Show me a thoroughly satisfy man and I will show a failure.
              -Thomas A Edison –Inventor  
Tomorrow is the only day in the year that appeals to a lazy man.
                                   -Jimmy Lyons
Failure never leave you the same way, it will either leave you fat on the ground or be come a stepping stone to your greatness, depending on your perspective.
Always see failure as an event, while you are a person, and that means you are superior to failure.
Failure is not falling down but staying down.
-John Mason
When you see failure around your life, regard it as a passer by, don’t let it stick t you.
The only time a lazy person ever succeed is when he tries to do nothing.
         -John Mason
Until you stop believing in yourself, if you are not a failure.
        -David A. Adesina

Your attitude towards failure determines your altitude after failure.
Failure is an occurrence. It may occur around your life but the true is my can’t fail.
The cheapest way to remain in failure is keep looking for whom to blame and for as long you find whom t blame for your failure, you will remain lame.
If you learn to see failure as an event, you will surely outlive your failure
Failure does not have power to stick to you except you embrace it.
You are not a failure until you stop trying.
A great percentage of failures are those who plan to give excuses, we all have reason why shouldn’t do what we have do. You cant score goals by defending, you only score by striking. Don’t make excuses for not saving or investing. Learn not be on the offensive not on the defensive. You cant g far in life if you keep giving excuses.
-Saviour Ogonenwe
You are not a failure until you fine someone to blame for it.
That you have fail, does not means you are a failure.
See failure as a momentary situating, not a system of lifelong epidemic.
 When dealing with failure, you should have short memories. You should forget the negative emotion of setbacks and pray forward resiliently.
No more excuses or else you will be excused from success.
-Olumide O Emmanuel
Your response to failure holds the key to your future.

                  THINK DEEP
Your life will always move in the direction of your thought.
-Dr. Mike Murdock
You have to do your own growing no matter how grandfather was.
Your thought determines your destiny.
If you think little, you will remain and move with little people.                                                    
What you have today is what your thought have made you.
God gives small thing to a small thinker.
The way you thinks determines how far you will o in life.
                                                      -Pastor Ikechukwu Joseph
The man who has no imagination has no wings.
                                                        - Muhammed Ali
The greater the product of your thought, the greater what people are willing to pay for it.
                                              -Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo
Think globally, act locally. What differentiates the rich from the poor is their thinking. If you think you are rich, if you think you are small, you will be. If you think there is economic recession, you will see it, if you think there is no economic recession, you will not see any recession. You become what you think about most of the time. Become a no- limit person! You can change your life by changing the way you think about yourself and your potential. You will open new doors to unlimited possibilities and put yourself on the road to a better, more fulfilling professional and personal life.
Change your thinking, change your life.
The major difference between rich and poor people is the way they think. The same situations rich people turn into money are the situations that make others poor. The difference is thinking.
If you do not have time to think you do not have time to succeed.
                                                    –Rev. Sam Adeyemi
Action without thinking is the cause of every failure.
                                                   -Alex McKenzie
Until you change the way you thinking, you cannot change the way you live.
                                                      -Bishop David O. Oyedepo
How well you think determines the height you attain in life.
Those that think on paper think better.
                                                       -Olumide O.Emmanuel
Until you reconstruct your thinking pattern, you cannot change your environment, as your environment is subject to what goes on within you.
                                               - Bishop David O.Oyedepo
Thinking backward is harder than thinking forward
                                                                .- Anonymous
It is thinking that magnetizes invites and embraces your hidden treasure that makes you a star in life.
                                                                – Anonymous
When you change your thinking, you change actions, when you change your action, you change your future.
                                                                 - Zig Ziglar
The journey forward is initiated and charted from within a man, because thoughts are agents of change.
                                                  - Anonymous
Every transaction a man experience in life springs from inspiration.                                        
                                                        - Anonymous
A poor man is not someone without money but a man who cannot think.
Don’t think it is not possible yet, until it is made possible.
Your thoughts determines your lot in life, as the depth of a man’s thought determines the value of his destiny.
                                                                   - Anonymous
To find for yourself, think for yourself.
The quality of your determined the result you get. That is to say the deeper your thoughts, the higher your achievements.
                                                             - Anonymous
When you think well, you live well, for as a man thinks in his heart, so he is.
                                                          Proverbs 23:7
If you don’t engage your mind in productive thoughts, it will rot away. So think! Think!! Think deep and think possibility thoughts!
                                                                 - Anonymous
Creativity enhance your job productivity.
                                                      - Anonymous
Think and feel yourself there! To achieve any aim in life, you need to project the end result. Think of the elation, the satisfaction, the joy! Carrying the ecstatic feeling will bring the desired goal into view.
                                                         -Grace Speare
Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success.
                                                       - David Joseph Schwartz
What you think is what you become.
                                                  -Pastor David Ibiyeomie
When we try to make changes in our lives without first making a change in our thinking, we are setting ourselves up for failure.
                                                                - J.C Matthews
Think for the best expect the best work for the best and you will get the best.

An action without thinking is the cause of failure.
-Alex Mckenzie
Until you change the way think, you cannot change the way you live.
-Bishop David Oyedepo
How well you think determines the height y attain in life.
Those that think on paper think better.
-Olumide O. Emmanuel

Thinking backward is harder than thinking forward.
Until you construct your thinking pattern, you cannot change your environment, as your environment is subject to what goes on within you.
-Bishop David O. Oyedepo       
It is thinking that magnetizes, invites and embraces your hidden treasures that makes you a star min life.
When you change thinking, you change action, when you change your actions, you change your future.
The journey forward is initiating and chartered from within a man, because thoughts are agents of change.
Every translation a man experiences in life springs from inspiration.

A poor man is not someone without money but a man who cannot think.

Don’t think it is not possible yet, until it is made possible.

Your thoughts determines your lot in life, as the depth of a mans thoughts determines the value of his destiny.
To find for yourself, think for yourself.
The quality of your thought determines the results you get. That is the deeper your thought, the higher your achievements.
When you think well, you live well, for as a man think in his heart, so has he.
-Proverb 23v 7 
If you engage your mine in productive thought, it will rot away. So think! Think!! Think deep and think  possibility           t h o u g h t s !
Creativity enhances your job productivity.
Think and feel yourself there! To achieve any aim in life, you need to project result. Think of the elation, the satisfactions, joy, carrying the ecstatic feeling will bring the desired goal into view.
                                   -Grace Speare   
People who think they are too big to do little tings are perhaps, too little to asked to do big things.                   
-Bishop David O. Oyedepo
Think little goal and expect little achievements, think big goal and win big success.
-David Joseph Schwartz
What you think is what you become.
-Pastor David Ibiyeomie
Only those who think of others becomes leaders, while those who think self end up as slaves.
-Bishop David O. Oyedepo
When we think diversifying, we think unifying.
When we try to make changes in our lives without first making a change in our thinking, we are setting ourselves up for failure.                                                   -J .C. Matthews

Think for the best expect the best work for the best and you will get the best.
                                       YOUR MIND
Your mine is the greatest capital you have. The mine is the seat of wisdom and is the faculty of exploits the more transformed your mine the greater you exploits.
-Pastor David Ibiyeomie     
Until your poverty mentality is healed, your prosperity is not in view.
-Bishop David O. Oyedepo
Set peace of mind as your highest goal and organize your time and life around it.
The quality of your mentality is what defines the quality of your destiny.
                                                     -Bishop David O. Oyedepo
Until God’s word help your mine to change from thinking as an ordinary man, you will die as one.
What we visualize in our minds constitutes the materials upon which we build our tomorrow.
      -J. C. Matthews
Until the word begin to change your mind, you will always think that you need somewhere to help you.
Until your mind is healed, your life can never be healed.
-Bishop David O. Oyedepo 
What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve.
-W. Clement Stone
Whatever is too big for your mind is too big for your hand. Whatever your mind cannot accommodate, your hand cannot accomplish. If it is not in the mind, it never gets into the hand.
-Bishop David O. Oyedepo
Creative minds rule the world.
When you have many alternatives, it becomes difficult to task your mind for creative thoughts.
Don’t focus your mind and spirit on the court of public opinions about your status.
The mind  Christ is the mind of wisdom.
-Pastor David  Ibiyeomie
When you engage your mind and reason with God, your mind will become sharpened and the creative power of heaven will deliver the answer you need.
-Pastor David Ibiyeomie
Highly creative people tend to have fluid, flexible, and adaptive mind.
-Brain Tracy
T become (King and) masters of our lives and environment, we must develop an enquiring mind, not just t probe, but, more important, to understands.
-Dr. Mensa Otabil
Before you scream, it’s a ghost!,  take a second look; it may be the lord.
-Dr Mensa Otabil    
The way you perceived yourself is a function of your mindset.
It is mental picture that determines your actual future.
-Bishop David O. Oyedepo
Until your mentality is healed, your recovery is not in view.
-Bishop David O. Oyedepo   
Until your mindset is reset, nothing can happen.
                                                -Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo
Whatever man aspired to be, the inner recess of the mind should echo it that tomorrow belongs to the creator man, only has control over the present.
Minds are like parachute; they only function when they are open.
-Sir James Dewa
Always allow peace to be at peace with you.
The difference between the rich and the poor is mindset.
                                                 -Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo
If you don’t mind Gods work, very soon, you will not be in Gods mind.
If you don’t back your faith in God with an appropriate action you will be backward.
Trust God for bounce back after your setback.
-Pastor (Dr.) Mensa Otabil
Until a man learns the basic fundamentals of applied faith, his accomplishment are very few.
-Napoleon Hill
You must believe it to receive it. I believe it is safe to say that if a person does not believe something, then for all legitimate purpose it does not exist for them
                    -J. C Matthews   

No matter your matter God is in control.
Without faith in God, life can be very frustrating the fog-the reality of thing at a distance that the human eye cannot see.
-Corrie Ten Boom 
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without warming;(for he is faithful that promise;)
-Hebrews 10:23 (KJV)  
Faith is to believe what do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
-Saint Augustine
When life hands you trouble, fight with faith.
There are many things that are essential to arriving at true peace of  mine, and one of the most important is faith, which cannot be acquired without prayer.
                - John Wooden
·      Development ability to see what will happen tomorrow and take action today.

·      I challenge the faithful t be practical. I charge the practical to be faithful. One must complement the other.
                                 - Bishop T. D Jakes
·      It is when all hope seems lost that greatest faith is found. But every act in consequence of our faith strengths our faith.
                              - Anna Lettia BarBauld
·      Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.
- Corrie Ten Boom
·      Faith is sometimes a means of survival. It is that gives you courage to trust God when His will collides
                                         - Bishop T.D Jakes
·      Faith is the factor in a life-devoted service. Without it, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is possible
                                   - Mary Mcleod Ddthune
·      Even when your faith in God wavers, Gods faith in you remains firm. Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our lord Jesus Christ.
- Romans 5:1 (KJV)
·      Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to.
                              - George Seaston
·      Men can be attracted but not forced to the faith. Yu may drive people to baptism, you wont move one step further in religion.
·      Faith is that indescribable strength, that secret weapon of the soul, which allows us to preserve even when the facts seems damming and the truth unbearable. It is what keeps us going when travel conditions are unfavorable and were not sure we can continue. It is the light that leads us out f the darkness and the map that guides our way. Without faith, we would likely pull over on the side of road, give up, and watch everyone else pass us by.
                                - Bishop T. D Jakes

Poverty is a spirit, and a course. So please reject it now.
A poor outlook is what makes a poor output.
                                               -Bishop David Oyedepo
Poverty is the first child of idleness.
                  -Bishop  David Abioye
Poverty is a product of mismanagement.
Poverty only exists in your mindset.
Poverty is not a state f lack of money but a state of lack f mental co-ordination.
If you are poor, friend you are the architect.
The number one cause of poverty is possessing a poor man’s mentality. Until your poverty mentality is healed, your prosperity is not in view.
          -Bishop David O. Oyedepo
Idleness is the breeding ground for poverty.

Wealth is created by wisdom.
                                                         - Anonymous
Wealth is essentially a product of mans capacity to think right and think possibility.
                 -Bishop David Oyedepo
Creativity is the source of wealth, and creativity comes form the creator.
                 -Bishop T. D Jakes
The wisest Being in the entire universe is also the Wealthiest Being God.
-       Bishop David Oyedepo
Without a company nothing will accompany you in life. The company you keep answers for you.
                 -Pastor David Ibiyeomie
Stubbornness and unwillingness to change is the energy of the fools. Its time to change.
                 -Pastor David Ibiyeomie
If it is not Good, it is not God.
To be upset over what you don’t have is to waste what you do have.
                                        Kens Keys, Jr.
If its going to be, its up t me!
                                    -Robert Schuler
Whatever God has already giving to you will create anything else He has promised to you.
                                -Dr. Mike Murdok
Your life can go according to plan if you have no plan.
                               -Zig Ziglar
Whenever there is no movement, there is no improvement.
                                                            -Pastor David Abioye
I cannot do everything, but I still can d something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse t do something I can do.
                                    -Edward Hail
Until you make peace with who you are, you will never be content with what you have.
                                       Doris Motman
Today a reader. Tomorrow a leader.
                                      W. Fusselman
Anything conceal of God in your life shall
be reveal in due season.
                                                                        -Dr Mensa Otabil
No excuse is good enough.
                                                                   - Christian Richman
You don’t get drawn by falling into the our riches t then.
                                              -Zig Ziglar
 Never allow your needs to swallow your seeds.
                              -Olumide Emmanuel
Don’t allow your experience to change you’re your expectation.
                             -Olumide O Emmanuel
An ounce of obedience is worth more than a ton prayer.
A man who sees life solely in-terms of materials matrix is a deformed soul.
To live a quality life, you must fill your time with quality activities.
Love everyone as if, your life deepens on it.
The longest journey is made step by step.
                       -Bishop David Oyedepo
Smallness is the sure foundation for greatness.
                      -Bishop David Oyedepo
Every seed planting spring forth an harvesting time.
Attitude is everything.
                                    Keith Karrel
What you devote your time and energy t hear now will affect your life in future.
Until you see what God has made within you, you don’t make impact in your world. Many never take time to look inside; we are always looking outside.
                                                           -Pastor David Ibiyeomie
What you have not declared upon your life cannot come to materialize.
Stop that self- devaluation now because you are not God.
It is not yet over until it is over.
           -Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo
You go for the word of God to rule your world.
                     -Pastor David Ibiyeomie
The way you dressed, so you will be addressed.
Our God is a living God, look unto Him for everything you desire in life.
An aim in life is not the only a fortune worth finding.
       -Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Your background is not a hindrance to your higher ground.
                     -Olumide O Emmanuel
Nothing will change around you until you change your approach. Nothing will   

Nothing will change around you until you change your approach. You have to consciously apply a force to look inwards. Nothing will change around you until a change takes place within you.
                                                -Pastor David Ibiyemie
If you are slacking in prayer, you will be lacking in life.
You go for insight of the word f God to get the inside of life.
                     -Pastor David Ibiyeomie
Let integrity be your watchword, anywhere and anytime.
Whatever we have no  mastery over will have mastery over us.
Be careful with your tongue, otherwise you will talk your tongue to death.
What you don’t say cannot be seen.
Don’t complain about your life chapter continue reading it.
Friend, don’t judge me because you will be adjudged by it.
Spiritual maturity is a function of you attitude.
Listen, what you have seen possible is what can only be made possible.
                                                                      -David A. Adesina
It is self-discovery that will lead to total recovery.
                                                                           -David A. Adesina
If you cannot  best put in anything you are ding stop doing it.
An insight without a foresight is a disaster.
If there is no giving, there is no receiving.
Only men who take note are noted in life.
If there is no hope for the future, there is no strength for the present.
                                                                                     -David A. Adesina
Let you setbacks become your stepping stone.
                                                             -Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo
When you work, work all the time you work; put more of yourself into what you do.
Without risk, there is n action, and without action, there is no achievement.
Always try, try, and try one more time.
There is possibility in every ability.        
Always do the job you have love and passion for.
The greatest disaster to a man is doing a job without in net of joy and happiness.
Your lost of dream begins with lost of hope.
                                                                        -Pastor David Adesina
Any time a Christian is stagnated; his senses are out f use.
Kingdom addiction establishes covenant distinction!
                                                                 -Bishop David O. Oyedepo
To make impossibility to become possible, it takes a man and God to be at work.
There is always ability in every disability.
The more people talk about you, the more popular you become. So let them say what they like.
If you will not serve God with your means, you will end up serving you means.
                                                              -Bishop David O. Oyedepo             
Make sure you use God strategy in dealing with your tragedy                                                                                                      -Anonymous
When you are out of God purpose in life, you will leave a life like a pig.
                                                                      -Pastor David Ibiyeomie
Until change manifests it self, we must continually encourage and remind ourselves that our situation is not our destination, but only preparation!
                                                                                 -J. C Mathews
 Discover your talent today to recover your destiny tomorrow.
Those who do not serve God will end up serving men. They will dance to tune of men, because they refuse to dance to God tune.
                                                               -Bishop David O. Oyedepo
Happiness is a choice.
                                                                       -Pastor Simeon B. Inyang
Nothing works until you work it.
Meeting the need of humanity is what gives dignity to destiny.
                                                         -Bishop David O. Oyedepo
When you disobey Gods instruction, you are doom for destruction
Don’t procrastinate, the more you wait, the more you waste.
Don’t procrastinate, the more you wait, the more you waste.
Dots not pity me because I am not in pit
                                                                  -Pastor David Ibiyeomie
Go to the ant, thou sluggard, consider her ways, and be wise
                                                                             -Proverb 6:6
Don’          t celebrate your possessions, but your contributions to humanity.
                                                                  -Bishop David O. Oyedepo
Pray as if everything depends on prayer and war.
You are too connected to be frustrated.
You are not an object of destruction but an object of distinction.
Your attitude is your total being.
Procrastination is one of our greatest enemy. Stop procrastination now and engage yourself positively.
 The adversity of  the world is the opportunity of the church.
When you limit  yourself, you limit God. When you limit God, you limit yourself.
A wise man learns from wise men so that he/ she will be wiser.
When you know that you carry, miscarriage will never come.
                    Pastor David Ibiyeomie  

Only those who obey rules that ends up as rulers.
Until god becomes the center of your life, everything keep falling apart. Until you are ready for god, you are not ready for good
               -Bishop David O. Oyedepo

The only thing that stands between a man and what he want in life is often merely to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible.
                                   -Richard Deves
The most important thing is to have a code of live, to know how to live. Find yourself a port of destination.
                                        -Dr Hans Seyle

Holiness is the pathway to Gods Glory.
                                     -Gloria Copeland
If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.
                                      -G. K Chesterton

 Unless you give yourself to some great cause, you haven’t even begun to live.
                               -William P. Merrill  
The best way to escape a problem is to posterity?
                     -Bishop David O. Oyedepo
 What are you living for? Prosperity or posterity?
                        -Bishop David O. Oyedepo
When you are wordless , you will be useless.
                              -Pastor David  Ibiyeomie
No man ever got lost on a straight road.  
                                    -Abraham Lincoln
Procrastination is the natural assessing of opportunity.
Many  today are so heavenly conscious that they are earthly useless.
No one can make you inferior without your consent.
                                  -Eleanor Roosevelt
Stop looking for short-cut measures or they will cut short your life.
The quality of your preparation determines the quality of your performance in every race of life. 
                          -Pastor David Ibiyeomie
The cure to suffering in the future is planning today.
                         -Bishop David Abioye
Its time to start living the life we’ve imagined.
                                                                       -Henry James

  All of us bring baggage into our relationships. Unpack the bag together.
                            -Bishop T.D Jakes
Your family foundation must be  founded in Christ.
If your wife put to birth and you don’t have the resources to take good care of the baby and the mother you are stupid because you were given nine (9) months notice.
If you cannot take care of your spouse, you are a fool. friend you have attitudinal problem.
For marriage to be a success, the partners must be like the poles of  magnet.
                                       -Obi Egbuna
Raising children requires  that you listen at least as much as you talk. Encourage as well as critique.
                            -Bishop T.D  Jakes



You many ignore your ignorance but your ignorance will not ignore you in the public.
                                                         -A. C. Gab
A wise man makes his own decision but an ignorance man follows public opinion.

Everyman’s ignorant is his devil.

Ignorance is the license to bondage and knowledge is the price for freedom.
                                               -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen

If you think that knowledge is expensive, try ignorance.
To be conscious of your ignorance is a great step in knowledge.                                 
                                                       -Benjamin Disraeli

Every man’s knowledge is an advantage and every man’s ignorance is a bondage.
                                                       -Pastor Timothy

Prayer can open door for you but your ignorance can blow the changes.
                                               -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen

Ignorance is the vehicle that takes you to captivity.
                                         -ApostleGbenga Igbafen

Bondage is the darkness that ignorance gives birth to.
                                       -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen

The Power of the oppressor is the ignorance of the oppressed.
                                        -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen

Never consider anything as profitable which compels you to break a promise or lose yourself-respect.

The disease of ignorance can only be cured in the school of knowledge.

The greatest mountain in life is personal ignorance.

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you don’t know.
                                                        -Dr. Wayne Dye

He that knows himself, knows others: and he that is ignorance of himself cannot write a lecture on other men’s head.
                                                                 -Caleb Cotton

What you do with your time determines how far you will go in life.
                                                       -Taiwo Odukoya

When you know little more than others, you will lead them without stress.
                                                           -Bishop David Oyedepo

Knowledge is of no value unless we put it into practice.
                                                        - Anonymous

You will never rise beyond the limits of what you know.
          -Rev.Sam Adeyemi

It is your knowledge that intimidate the devil and not your life.
                                           -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen 

Captivity is far from the man with relevant information
                                          -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen

If you are not excited about knowledge, you have made decision to fail.
                                                -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen

If you refuse the platform of knowledge, then you have to refuse the flight of greatness.
                                                    -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen

Knowledge will enthrone you and keep you there.
                         -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen

Your life can not be bigger than the information you have.
                                        -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen

Knowledge is not what you can remember, but what you cannot forget.                      

If you want to be somebody, somebody really special, be yourself.

Insecurity exists in the absence of knowledge.

There has been an alarming increase in the number of things you know nothing about

Learn something new. Try something different. Convince yourself that you no limits.
                                                                    -Brain Tracy

The more you know the less you show.

The key to health, happiness and success is self knowledge.

whoever acquires knowledge but does not practice it, is like one who ploughs a field but does not sow in it.

Knowledge is license for wealth.
                                                        -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen

Practical knowledge makes an uncommon achievement.
                                            -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen 

Until you choose knowledge, the struggle continue.
                                              -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen

Not to know is too bad, not to wish to know is worse
                                                           -Nigeria Proverbs  

The trouble with the world is not that people know too little, but that they know so many things that aren’t so.
                                                              -Mark Twain

Man’s flight through life is sustained by the power of his knowledge.
                                                      -US Air Force

Be a life long student. The more you learn, the more you earn and more self confidence you will have.
                                                              -Brain Tracy

Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life.
                                                -Sandra Carrey 

The wealthiest people on earth are people, who trade on knowledge
                                                -Rev.Sam Adeyemi

The more a man know, the more he forgives.
It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill.
                                                       -Wilbur Wright

The only people who achieve much are those who want knowledge so badly that they seek it
                                                           -C. S. Lewis

I not only use all the brains I have but all that I can borrow
                                                    -Thomas Woodrow Wilson

Knowledge is the wings that takes you to your next level.
                                           -Apostle Gbenga Igbafen

What you know, will surely make you known.

An investment in knowledge always pay’s the best interest.
                                                --Benjamin Franklin

An  educated man is that man who has learned how to get what he want without violating the right of his fellow men
                                                                 -Napoleon Hill

That there should one man die ignorant who had capacity for knowledge, this I call a tragedy.
                                                                -Thomas Carlyle

When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it – this is knowledge.

   If you are not updated you will be outdated.

If you  don’t want to expire, get inspire.


Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel
                                                            Napoleon Hill

It’s not so important who starts the gaire but who finishes it.
                                                              John wooden

The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won’t.      
                                                           Henry Ward Beecher

There’s only one way you can fail, and that’s to quit
                                                           – Brain Hays

I am a slow walker, but I never walk backward.
                                                            -Abraham Lincoln 

You become a champion by fighting one more round. When things are tough, you fight one more round.
                                                           –James J. Corbett

We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough.                             
                                                               – Helen Keller

I am proof that great things can happens to ordinary people if they work hard and never give up.
                                                              – Orel Hershiser

Never give up. Keep thoughts and your mind always on the goal.         
                                                               Tom Bradley

History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumph. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats. 
                                                              B. C Forbes

Never despair, keep pushing on!
                                                       Sir Thomas Lipton

Permanence, perseverance, and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this that in all things, distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.
                                                       Thomas Carlyle                                  

You are never a loser until you quit trying.
                                                          Mike Ditka

I hated every minute of the training, but I said to myself, don’t quit, suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.
                                                             Muhammed Alli

Everyone wants success, people talk about it, write about it but until you make up your mind, to persevere, to endure to the end, to be the last person standing when the fight is over, successful life will elude you to the last breathe you breathe.
                                                             – Emmanuel Ameh

Champions forces themselves to do what they don’t like, to do what must be done in the heats of competition.

I am too big to cry and too badly hurt to laugh, yet I persevere.
                                                           Abraham Lincoln

God promise us an easy journey in life, but only safe arrival.
                                                                 – Anonymous

By perseverance, the snail reached the ark.
                                                              –Charles H. Spurgeon

Those who persevere are the one left standing when everyone else quits.

If your reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hand on.

A man is a hero, not because he is braver than anyone else, but because he is brave for ten minutes longer.
                                                         Ralph Waldo Emerson

The truth is that persistence is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.
                                                      –John Mason     

Persistence is the quality that is most needed when it is exhausted.

A man is not finished when he is defeated, he is finished when he quits.
                                                                -Richard Nixon

If you cannot fly, run. If you cannot run, walk, if you cannot walk crawl, by all means keep on moving”.
                                                     -Martin Luther King Jnr.

Champions are not those who do not fail, but they are those who do not quit.

Don’t give up until you make your last attempt, and don’t make your last attempt until you have succeeded.
                                                       -Abraham Lincoln

No matter what you do in life, you will always have critics.

Victory will surely go to the one who never quits.

Problems or obstacles can only delay you temporarily, but you can stop yourself permanently.
                                                                   -Dr. O. Ezekiel  

The destiny which you are not truly committed can never be actualized.
                                                      -Bishop David Oyedepo

Look what you have left, never look at what you have lost.
                                                             -Robert Schuller

Don’t give up; every end is a new beginning.
                             -C. O Stephen

Tough times never last, but tough people do.
                                                          -Robert Schuller

Being a champion does not mean beating others, it means beating yourself.
                                                              -Asia Success

Defeat is simply a signal to press onward.

                                                                 -Helen Keller

The end of one thing is the beginning of another thing.
                                                    -Pastor Success

Don’t give up, the last key may be the one that will open the door.

Don’t let what you are going through to stop you from where you are going to.
                                                        -Pastor Timothy

If you don’t pass through anything in life, you can’t be anything.
                                        -Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo 

Quit now, you’ll never make it. If you disregard this advice, you’ll be halfway there.
                                                         -David Zucker

You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.
                                                     – Margaret Thatcher

You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing.
                                                      -Rene McPherson

The only way to overcome is to hand on.
                                                            –Dan O’Brien

It is always too soon to quit.
                                                       David T. Socrates

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.
                                                        Vince Lombardi

I am confident. I never gives up.
                                                       Arantxa Sanchez Vicario

We are made to persist. That’s how we find out who we are.
                                                                   – Tobias Wolff

I never gave up, even when people told me I’d never make it.                       
                                                                        Bob Wickman

It’s a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don’t quit when you’re tired, you quit when the gorilla is tired.
                                                                    -Robert Strauss

Don’t spend half of your life telling what you want to do and the remaining half explaining why you didn’t do it.
                                                                  – John Mason

Sometimes to win a battle, you need to fight it more than once.
                                                               – Margaret Thatcher           

Any road without a road blocker does not lead to any importance destination.

Problems are stepping stones to greater height.
                                                              Lanre Obembe


If you dann’t take risk, you cannot be rich. Risk nothing and become nothing.
-         Akanimo Inim

Planning without proper document is playing without knowing.
-         Akanimo Inim
There is always solution to every situation, and opportunity in every adversity.
-         Akanimo Inim
The quality of information at your dispose determine your vision and your vision determine you’re your destination.
-         Akanimo Inim
If your success is fast, it can’t last.v
                        Akanimo Inim

 The positive change you want to see, first become that.
                                Akanimo Inim
Anything you get cheap or free will not be valued.
-         Akanimo Inim
What you know and you refuse  to use it will eventually become useless.
-         A. Inim
What you know and you don’t act on it , is a room wide open for the devil to take advantage of.
-         Akanimo Inim
 The devil is not powerful, he is only smart and his strategy is do take advantage of our ignorance.
A.   Inim
Virtually everything we want in life is within us, but we like working outside.
A.   Inim
Don’t give the devil undue credit, he only take advantage of your ignorance.
A.   Inim
The transformation you need is tied to your talents and not your employer.
A.   Inim
Am not born work am born to win if you wait you will waste. And launch out and win.
-         Akanimo Inim
Run your race and with grace  you will win the race on your own pace.
                Akanimo Inim
If you are not ready to think through, you are not ready for a breakthrough.
         -AkanImo Inim
What you don’t have passionate for cannot survive when challenges and obstacles raises their ugly hands.
-         Akanimo Inim
Where there is no passion for something there is no motivation. And when there is no motivation, there is no motion and stagnation will soon make you frustrated and relegated to the background.
                Akanimo Inim
Where there is no passion for something, there will be no motivation, and when there is no motivation, I can assure you stagnation will be your latest experience in life.

                                AK- QUOTES
Thinking, dreaming, having vision without taking a corresponding action is day dreaming, wishful thinking and fantasying.
-         Akanimo Inim 

Those (men who always take nrissk always become rich
                              -Akanimo Inim
Risk nothing and become nothing and nonsense
-         Akanimo Inim
If you neglect God’s word, you will not amount to anything in your world.
-         Akanimo Inim

if you don’t appreciate God for who he is, you will soon depreciate in value with time
-         Akanomo Inim
Your mentor will determined your method
-         Akanimo Inim
A spiritual father will go further. So, get a spiritual father today.
-         Akanimso Inim
When you have a mentor, you will have a method of doing your things.
-         Akanimo Inim
The easiest way to become nobody is to ignore somebody.
-         Akanimo Inim
If you work hard, you wouldn’t pray hard.
-         Akanimo Inim
If you don’t give attention to your intentions you will die of stagnation.
-         Akanimo Inim
The prints you note in life will make you prosperous and bye! Bye! To poverty.
-         Akanimo Inim
If you don’t update regularly, you will be updated completely.
-         Akaanimo Inim
To ignore your physical and spiritual fathers instruction and corrections is to invite destruction into your life.
-         Akanimo Inim
When you ignore God’s  and your father’s instruction, you cannot escape destruction.
-         Akanimo Inim
When choosing a mentor please be careful else you will end up choosing a tormentor and will continually make you be a debtor to your creditors.
-         Akanimo Inim
When there is no results, insult is inevitable.
-         Akanimo Inim
When life lacks greatness, it is full of bitterness.
-         Akanimo Inim
On your way to the next level, mind the devil with his evil intentions.
-         Akanimo Inim
On your way to the next level, mind the devil through your evil thoughts.
-         Akanimo Inim
If you read more, you will pray less
-         Akanimo Inim
Planning without pen and paper birth poor performance.
-         Akanimo Inim
Your products produced and production will make you productive and productivity which is a compound word meaning products of activities brings peak performance and a peaceful home.
-         Akanimo Inim
Give Attention to your intentions by taking action on the information you have else you will end up stagnation and frustration.
-         Akanimo Inim
Take action on your Vision else you wouldn’t be in motion.
-                                                                                                                                    Akanimo Inim
When next you want to take action make sure, you have adequate information else you won’t escape frustration, confusion and stagnation
·        Without products, there is no prosperity and progress
                                                       Akanimo inim
·        The fear of failure is the foundation for a black future.
                                                       Akanimo Inin
·        Without financial intelligence, you cannot be financially free.                                            
                                                        Akanimo Inim
·        Information without action leads to stagnation and frustration.
                                                        Akanimo Inim
·        There is no proper planning without pen and paper.
                                                        Akanimo Inim
If you don’t plan, you can’t progress
Information birth vision, then motivation, birth action, then action birth manifestation without which you are heading to deformation.
                                                        Akanimo Inim
·        There is always solution to every situation, and opportunity in every adversity.
                                                        Akanimo Inim
·        Always work the talk and create your desired world, or else you are day dreaming or involve in wishful thinking.
                                                        Akanimo Inim
·        When there is no vision, there cannot be motion and stagnation will become inevitable.
                                                        Akanimo Inim
·        When you don’t pay attention to your intentions then you will soon become on object of stagnation.
                                                        Akanimo Inim
·        When you have a vision, take action else you will become an object without motion.
                                                        Akanimo Inim
·        If you want to excel, sell something.
                                                                       Akanimo Inim
·        Planning without pen and paper is preparation for failure.
                                                                       Akanimo Inim
·        A man without an idea is as good as a dead or mad man
                                                                Akanimo Inim

·        If you don’t have chains of business, your life cannot be changed.
                                                                        Akanimo  Inim
·        If you don’t start, you will be stagnant in life.

                                                                Akanimo Inim.
·        When you disobey God’s instruction, you are doom for destruction
                                                                    Akanimo Inim
·        What u don’t say, you can’t see
                                                                        Akanimo Inim
·        If you don’t start doing something positive toward your future, you will be stagnated
                                                                        Akanimo Inim
·        Start something today, and say bye bye to stagnation.
                                                                        Akanimo Inim


BETTER NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL NETWORK                         (BENINE)                    RC:124872

BENINE is an independent, non-partisan, not – for – profit leadership and entrepreneurial development platform. As an N.G.O, BENINE recognizes the fact that our youths are the trustees of our nation and therefore strive to provide them with a platform that empower them to discover, develop and explore their God given talents and entrepreneurial skills thus creating the positive change, jobs and alleviate poverty needed in our nation for our generation.

The organization is registered in Nigeria with the Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C), Abuja with RC:124872.

·       To collaborate with other NGOs for National Growth and unity.
·       To work with other youth and women organizations, NGOs Agencies for Peace, Development and advancement of our Country, Nigeria.
·       To engage in charity and non-profitable venture such as relief materials to refuges, food stuff, provision, clothes etc. For Orphanage homes.
·       To establish Micro-Credit and loans to support members.
·       To Organize health intervention programs and counseling on HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Cancer, Hepatitis B, Diabetes, etc. to all members and the society at large.

·       To help members discover, developed, deplore and explore their potentials thus maximizing their destiny.

-        To get Nigerians closer and stay together for a better Nigeria.
-        To raise young role model for Nigeria.
-        To nurture a new generation of responsible and responsive leaders who will make a difference in the world.

To nurture a new breed of Nigerians for a better Nigeria

MOTTO:    Unity, Transparence and Integrity

For Sponsorship, Partnership, membership, please contact us via:
Mobile: 08067912880, 08101383588

·       Pause and Reflect.
·       Commence your own business today.
·       Discover your destiny.
·       Make News with your talents.
·       Business Opportunities in Nigeria today.

These books written by Akanimo Inim can change your life forever. They are in all leading bookshops nationwide. 

Marketed and Distributed Worldwide by:
Better Nigeria International Network(BENINE)
+08067912880, 08101383588
Uyo, Portharcourt, Lagos, Abuja and Calabar.

To book Akanimo Inim for Counseling and as a speaker in your church, conference, summit.

Please Contact
Akanimo Inim
Jepinak KonsultingRC:117183
A Member of Jepinak Group
Mobile: 08067912880, 08101383588


·       Business Success Secrets and Growth Strategies
·       The Highway to Higher ground and Honor
·       The Gateway to Greatness
·       Destiny Killers
·       Success Secrets and Strategies
·       Winning Wisdom Worldwide
·       The Winning Wisdom
·       How to Maximize Opportunities
·       Wisdom for Singles and Couples
·       Healthy Habits Handbook
·       Fulfilling your Destiny
·       Financial Freedom forever
·       The Way to Wealth
·       The Road to Riches
·       The laws of Leadership
·       The Pathway to Peak Performance
·       Seventeen Secrets of World Billionaires Revealed and many others   

To book for your copy(s).
Marketed and Distributed Nationwide by:
Better Nigeria International Network(BENINE)
08067912880, 08101383588
Uyo, Portharcourt, Lagos, Abuja and Calabar.

Better Nigeria International Network(BENINE) wishes to distribute free copies of this book at parks, prisons , schools, campuses, etc. on a monthly basis within Nigeria. For sponsorship, partnership and participation contact us via:
08077773301, 08067912880


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