On the occasion



Copyright (c) 2012 by AKANIMO INIM

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Introduction ………………………………………………………………………

Secret One ……………………………………………………………………..        
Secret Two ……………………….. ... ...………………………………
Secret Three …………………………………………..…………………. .
Secret Four. .………………………………………………………………………
Secret Five----------------------------------------------------------------
Secret Six…………………………………………………………………………..

Secret Seven……………………………………………………………… ….        
Secret Eight………………………….. …………………………………………..
Secret Nine- …………………………………………..….. …………………..
Secret Ten- ……………………….. ……………………………………..
Secret Eleven…………………………………………………………………
Secret Twelve………………………………… ……………………………..

Secret Thirteen ……………………………………………………………..        
Secret Fourteen…………………………………………….................
Secret Fifteen- …………………………………………..……………….
Secret Sixteen……………………….. …………………………………..
Secret Seventeen…………………………………………………………..
Secret Eighteen……………………………………………………………..
Secret Nineteen ………………………………………………………….        

Dedicated to all existing practicing and aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide. 


        I am grateful to God Almighty for his grace upon my life that has enabled me to write this all important and life transforming book.

 I want to seize this medium to thank my parents, Elder (Comrade)/ Decns.(Mrs.) James Edem Inim, who stood by me tirelessly in prayers and financial support.

I also appreciate everyone who have played significant roles in the making of this book.

I will not fail to mention the input of everyone who read through the manuscript of this book and offered suggestions.


I thank  Miss Ekaette Bassey Etim  for painstakingly typesetting the manuscript of this book. May God bless her richly.  
Let me start by calling your attention to a common saying in our society which says that, “The rich is getting richer and the poor are getting poorer”. This statement is really true! The reason why this statement is true is; the rich keeps getting richer, because they keep doing the things that get them to be rich in the first place, while the poor keep getting poorer for the same reason. The keep on doing the things that got them poor in the first. Dear readers please think about these things.

People, who succeed, succeed for specific reasons while people who fail, fail for certain specific reasons also. Again, people who succeed have specific habits that they adhere to everyday, on a consistent basis while people who fail have the habits that they consistently follow, too.

In a world of more than seven (7) billions people, there are only 5 and 7 billionaires. You can be one of them. There is no amount of money you s much desire to have that someone has not gotten before. It is therefore good for you to learn for people who have gone ahead to make money. Getting rich is easy, but maintaining your wealth is a lot of more serious job; you need more effort to remain rich than to get rich. The secrets presented in this book will help you to become a money magnet within 365 days.

Successful people leave us the clues to their success secret. If we follow in their steps, we will produce the same results in our lives.

These people show us that if this book will show you the steps to take to move to the next level in life, carrier etc.

Those who accept poverty as their fate are continually blaming government, parents, relatives their bosses, etc for their present state of affairs instead of studying those who have succeeded and applying the same principle that were used by them.

Rich men do what others don’t do Madness is defined as doing the same thing continuously and expecting a different result.

Before now I use to think had, and whether about why the rich are getting richer everyday until I discovered that the people know and do  or hear and act on what the poor don’t know or probably know but actionless.   

This book secure to bring to the fire what the rich or successful or billionaires know and they acted upon them, and that has made them successful.

Reed on discover and don’t fail to act on them.

N/B They becomes rich doing all these things but some of them now waste money, Carry guns, Drinks Alcohol, society.

Please don’t do what they are doing now but something they did for them to them. From the successful stories of prosperous people in the world, we can deduce many principles which every poor person can apply in his/her effort. Live a prosperous life.

Billionaires have certain traits running through them. Like a thread which they live by. That is one of the reasons they becomes wealthy and Billionaires. If you haven’t created the wealth you desire, it may seem the wealthy are privy to secrets you aren’t. the biggest secret is you probably know some of these so called secrets already! You now need to apply them and you too can create your own billions.

One thing that most of the billionaires have in common is that they take quite a lot risk and in most cases such risk, though calculated are propelled by what most of them describe variously as “gut’s feeling”. Intuition and sixth sense.

Everything we do in life involves risks. Sometimes taking risks could be risky and not taking risk could be risky itself……so, which system do you adopt? If you are not ready to take up risk, you cant take up responsibilities, and if you don’t take up responsibilities then you will die a liability, you have to convince yourself that there’s a next level waiting for you out there, where you are now is not where you are meant to be. Move on up. It is better to fail in something than to succeed in nothing. Taking risk does not mean going into things blindly. You have to take calculated risk. Weight your options in a scale of preference and determine which has higher rate. Remember the higher the risk, the greater the reward when taking risk prepare for the worst but don’t expect it.

A wise man said, no risk, no venture, no venture,  no success. I completely agree with him. Show me Billionaires and I will show you a man of risk. All Billionaires are risk takers.

Nicholas Berdyaeo says: “Victory over fear is the first spiritual duty of man” One of the paramount things that stop us from taking risk is fear. Know it well that “Risk maketh a man”.

Until you come to the realization that nothing in life is possible without risk taking, you are not ready for good. All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this; act as if it were impossible to fail.

Helen Keller said, and I quote “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing” Robert F. Kennedy says; “Those who dare to fail miserably achieve greatly. Whatever you dare may turn to be successful. Valour grows daring, fear by holding back.

Brain Tracy says, “The future belongs to the risk takers, not the security seekers life is preserve in the sense that the more you seek security, the less of it you have. But the more you seek opportunity, the more likely it is that you will achieve the security that you desire”.

There is no situation that could ever confront you that cannot be solved, life takes on real meaning when you set values for yourself, regard yourself as worthwhile and elevate your thoughts to things that are good. There is a greatest power, get to it and use it, it’s yours for asking.

David confronting Goliath was just all a risk. His ability to take such a risk brought him to a limelight. Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Dr. Mike Adenuga, Jimoh Ibrahim, Otedola, James Ibori, Politicians, among others are great risk takers. Get close to them and they will tell you their story. Nduka Abaigbena, the flamboyant publisher of This Day News Paper is a risk taker. He is very bold and daring and does not fear to jump into where angels themselves seem unable to thread. So says a recently published extracts from Achievers Digest.                       

Every day people are dying from Road Transport, Plan crashed, accidents etc. but despite that the people are still travelling or these transport means that have died does not stop people from travelling.

Everyday and seconds pregnant women are dying during delivery. Despite that, women are still giving birth, are still taking in. If you say I am not married, before you know, your friend, colleagues will get married and start giving birth to children. The poor are always afraid of venturing into a new business. The dread taking risks.
 Pierre Corneille says, “To win without risk is to triumph without glory”.
  Charles Lynch says, “You can’t be a winner and be afraid to lose”.

Brain Tracy says, “The act of taking the first step is what separates the winners from the losers”.  If you are waiting for risk-free moments, you will never move. In fact, the lesser the risk, the less valuable the results; but greater risk produces deeper encounters.

Every move into a higher phase of life involves sacrifice, which is a risk born out of courage.

Risk is a must secret if you must succeed only when you take risk, it becomes a stepping stone to your next level. When risk is not taken, heights cannot be reached. The major difference between success and failure is risk taking. There are things you will never achieve until you decide to dare.

The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines Risk Taking as “The Practice of doing things that involve risks in order to achieve somethings”.

 If you don’t take risk, you cannot be rich. Risk nothing and become nothing.

Whatever you have seen today – the business centres, companies, schools, etc. are all products of someone’s risk. They successful people have risked their lives and families just to make available what we see today. Stanley Umukoro says, “The available is only obtainable by risk takers.

There is no limit to what you can become. Stanley Umukoro says; “Only risk takers can become history makers and world changers”.

It is risk that turns thoughts to reality. No matter the nice and quality ideas you have, if you are not ready to take risk they will remain fantasy rather than reality and mere thoughts. Many world inventions were given birth to on the platform of risk by the inventors. For example, Thomas Edison risked his life to discover the electric bulb, so was it with many others. The risky this inventors and scientists took made them great today. It was not just knowledge that they had, they were also risk takers and darers.

Failure to dare is the worst failure in life. You never truly achieve all you can until you decide to take risk. Archbishop Benson Idahosa of blessed memory said; “It is a risk not to take a risk.” What separates the rich from the poor is the risk taking ability of the rich. If you don’t take risk, you cannot be rich.

The worst fear in life is the fear of taking risk.


Your Networth is dependent on your Network.
Mr. Harvey Machay says in his bestselling book; “Dig your well before you are thirsty, that the richest people in the world build a network of contacts while others look for work”.

From my research I have found out that many Billionaires are master networkers. They have developed the habit of extracting value and money from every interaction they initiate or that are tossed on them. Most of them network in the most unusual hours and they are found in joints where some of the sneak in and out sealing mega deals at the speed of light. For instance, in Lagos, Nigeria, most Billionaires are always found at public like cigar bar, Robert, Marco Polo and few other choice rendezvous located mostly in Victoria Island and Ikoyi where they are seen sealing mega deals. It is like a mega club; if you don’t belong to the class, you cannot break in. popular faces at these relaxation points include Bank Chief Executive Officers, MDs, business Moguls, Top Politicians and many others.   
Network at every opportunity. They join business and trade associations. Attend meetings. They get involved. Volunteer for service on a key committee. Meeting people is very important. 


          Many of the Billionaires read voraciously and speedily implement nuggets they pick from whatever materials they are studying. They know that if you don’t read, you cannot lead. Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. Leaders are readers and readers are leaders. The number of books you read determines largely the level or height you will attained in life. The difference between Mr. A and Mr. B is information in their disposal. A wise ma said, if you want to hide anything from a black ma put it in black and white. This statement is making a mockery of the black race.

Anybody that like buying food without books is a big fool. With no apology. Bishop David Oyedepo once said that he once buy books to the tune of thousands of Dollars. Why? You may say, oh! He has a lot of money, it is not a matter of too much money, but a matter of investing in books with the intention to increase his vocals, knowledge based, inside etc. he knows that if he is not informed, he can be transformed and eventually because deformed.

Tony Elumelu,the founder of Tony Elumelu Foundation(TEF) for instance, does not hide his admiration for Jack Welch books. Nuggets picked from his books he said have influence the management principles being practiced by Elumelu. Those who are close to Alhaji Aliko Dangote also says he is a compulsive reader who is keen on quickly implementing whatever he learns from a book. “It is not uncommon to see Dangote getting all his managers together in a retreat to dissect a book and map out to implement the nuggests picked from them” A close watcher of the business mogul said this.

A lot of people have very poor reading culture or habit hence the reason for their limitation and backwardness. Information gotten in transformation achieved. Reading exposes you and brings transformation. When you read, you climb on the shoulders of others and it helps you to see further.                                                                                                
Many Billionaires believe that your greatest asset is your knowledge. Billionaires read to know more, because one thing is sure, you are where you are by the product of two things, what you know and what you don’t know.

Can you image a graduate that does not listen to news, read newspaper etc. he/she is a big fool. How will he/she know that existing job vacancies are always advertise on newspapers like Guardian Newspapers, Etc to realize your full potentials, you need to continually be learning, educating yourself through books. I personally recommend one book per week consistently, because this is what I have practiced for the past ten(10) years. I will also suggest that you read at least books commensurate to your age on any aspect of life. For example, if you want to become a Motivating speaker, read one motivational book per week, if you want to excel in business, read one business book per week about business

Invest in your greatest asset by reading books, listening to audio cds, video cds, tapes, attending seminars, conferences, symposia constantly. Remember the development of a healthy reading culture in the foundation of a sound education.         

Before His Lordship most Rev. (Professor) Benson Andrew Idahosa went to be with the Lord, he said, “What I couldn’t achieve in thirty (30) years of ministering David Oyedepo achieve in three (3) years” How? The knowing factor. But the truth and sale it not.

It not enough to buy the truth, of course there are many who have bought the best books in the market, but have never taken time to read them. Bishop David Oyedepo, humorously says often, that the whites ridicule the blacks by saying: “If you want to hide anything from a black man/woman, hide it in a book and give him. You can even sale the book to him, but he will never read it”.

A former President of USA once said, “I cannot do without books” use your head and you will be ahead.

The business are doing today starting from writing of books, public motivational speaking, Teaching, Training are possible because of the book I have read for the past ten (10) years and the workshop and seminars I have attended over the years.

Rich people read to know more, because one thing is sure, you are where you are by the product of two things, what you know and what you don’t know. If you don’t know how to save, you are likely to die poor.

Praise George says. “Knowledge is Light. Ignorance is darkness. When you walk in the light of accurate information, you will dispel the darkness of ignorance and step out with confidence to achieve your goals. There was a time in my life when I used to envy the Billionaires.  I use to envy their houses, wealthy and cars. But one day I realized that these people are not supposed to be envied because what they know the poor do not know them. And that makes the difference.

The Bible says that the people who know their God will be strong and do exploits by accomplishing great things. This is to say that for you to accomplish great things and impact your generation, you should strife to know your God Almighty intimately. Praise George says, “Knowledge is a reservoir of power”.

Dear reader, I have discovered that what separates the rich and the poor people is their level of information. The information at their disposals. Oprah Winfey says, “If you know better, you will do better”. The singular reason you are not getting better results is that you are not making effort to get better information in the area of your calling. Just start getting and acquiring better information and start seeing and experiencing better result in your life. Read biographies of people who have overcome the most to become successful. The Billionaires read the most.   

Transformation is a product of applied knowledge.
          The world now is ruled by information. Information marketing practitioners are making a kill on a daily basis by simply selling to use what they know is important to us.

Dear reader, the importance of information cannot be over emphasized in our fast moving planet. Information is so vital that without it, man will make no progress. So who needs information? Every one of us. We should be able to update our information on a regular basis, that way; we will remain current and relevant in the scheme of things.

According to Benjamin Disraeli, “The most successful man in life is the man who has the best information”. This explains why successful people seek more information. They never stop learning.

A school of thought to which author and consultant Brain Tracy agreed to states this much when he said, “What you don’t know can hurt you, and hold you back” This is why successful people are always searching for new information and ideas.
Reading has been a life style of this shining and wonderful messenger of God in our generation. He is Bishop (Dr.) David Oyedepo. This man has a studious life style that formed a great foundation stones of his life and ministry.
Lack of knowledge is the mother of all lack’ Proverbs 19:2 “Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good;…”

The goodness of the soul is knowledge determined; just like the soundness of any body is largely determined by the quality of food that it feeds on. The body cannot be healthy than the food the man eats. The strength and output of any soul is largely proportionate to the quality of knowledge that goes into the soul.

Knowledge is meant for the soul; just as food is meant for the body. Starve the body of food then it will become weak. Starve the soul of knowledge then it will never fulfill its purpose. Knowledge is the food of the soul.

The soul of man is the centre of its activity. Your activities becomes limited, your spread becomes restricted except you satisfies your soul with certified, qualitative, adequate and sufficient knowledge. Not just any food keeps the body healthy, so also not any knowledge keeps the soul healthy. It is what you feed yourself with today that serve as a chart to where you’re going. Read not just to satisfy where you are or function at where you are but in anticipation of where you want to be.

You don’t feed a baby just to satisfy the baby; you feed the baby to grow into manhood. The knowledge you possess today is the architect of your future. Let’s go for knowledge. Don’t only read, but be a wide reader.

Just as in the physical, nobody can feed for you, so it is spiritually, nobody can read for you, nobody can listen for you. Accept the responsibility by giving attendance to reading as Apostle Paul said in 1 Timothy 4:13 “Till I came, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine”. Also see 2 Timothy 2:15. The best of life comes out of your inconvenience. Convenience is the burial place of giant. But inconvenience is the crucible where great men are made. Jesus is Lord!

Until you deal with lack of knowledge, you can’t deal with lack of materials. When you don’t read, newspapers, books, TV news, radio news then how will you know and hear about jobs vacancies in companies, reality shows (talent hunt). Peagant shows until Nigeria becomes voracious or ardent readers, they cannot impact the world.

When I read a book, a newspaper, bible, come and see me so anxious to digest, swallow the book at hand. I challenge you if everybody is like me interms of book reading the world will change. The solutions to our problems are in a book. Identify and know your problem, locate a book on that problem area and read. When you’re informed you will be transformed. To be informed is to be transformed and to be uninformed is to be deformed.
-         Bishop David Oyedepo.
You cannot do anything well without been well informed. “Every exploit in life is a product of knowledge”                          
-         Bishop David Oyedepo.

Reading has been a life style of this shining and wonderful messenger of God in our generation. I am talking about Bishop David Oyedepo. He is currently the Richest Nigeria Pastor worldwide. This man has a studio life style that formed a great foundation stone of his life and ministry.

Most of the discoveries that gave his ministry its unusual footing were made during the period 1974 and 1975 when he read books such as “Like a Mighty Wind” and “The Gentle Breeze of Jesus” by me and Nona Tari.

Gone are those days Pastors will be Auden Bible Readers alone. Pastors are not left out in this all important aspect of life. A Bible School Teacher should not stop there he/her should learn more bible reading, reading motivational books, relationship books, health book. In such a Pastor should be broad in terms of learning he/she should be learning everything learnable.

Attend seminars, workshop etc to update knowledge regularly he has no excuse of clamming to be busy with the work of God. The world has change so he has to change alongside or else he will be left behind. If he is not informed, he will be deformed, if he is not updated, he will be outdated. He should listen to news watch bible documentaries, read Local and International Magazines.

A Pastor should know what is happening in the Politically, Economically etc scene both locally and internationally. If he is not ready for all these, he is not ready for the next level.

Many people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge. I also will reject you from being Priest for me; because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children – Hosea 4:6.

When God said “He had given us power to get wealth”. He meant that he has given us knowledge and information to get or create wealth. So any smart person who is ready to be wealthy should get knowledge and information from the Bible (God’s word), book, Cds, Tapes etc, so that he/she can be better equipped and position create wealth. Be informed that ignorance is one of the major causes of poverty worldwide.

By getting adequate information and knowledge through reading, you have what it takes to deal with this monster called poverty. You can take a goat to stream but you can not force the goat to drink the water. God can provide food for you, but God cannot force you to eat the food on your behalf. The information and knowledge you need to be wealthy is in the Bible and books. All you need to do is to get these books and read them.

“Have you noticed that must millionaires are people who trade their knowledge and skills for money? The skills and knowledge we all have are latent wealth. You wealth is tied to your “well” within”.
v Olumide Emmanuel
For more on information, get my book, Winning Wisdom Worldwide.

The forth secret of most Billionaires is that they are hardworking. Don’t look for easy money. Don’t look for gimmick or useless knickknacks. Don’t look for get-rich schemes or rewards without working, because they are aren’t any.

More people have wasted more time and more life and more money trying to find quick ways to make money than you can possibly imagine. So be willing to put in a lot of work before start making real money in a business.

Those who know Pastor Christ Okotie said his success is a combination of hard work, diligence, an eye for detail, determination to leave an indelible mark to make difference in the lives of people. In the entertainment industry, the likes of Dbaj, Don Jazzy, Tuface, Psquare, Timaya, 9ice, etc are hard working artist and musicians which is evidence in their ability to release their music yearly.

In the Christian cycle, the likes of Pastor Chris Iyakilome of Christ Embassy, Bishop David Oyedepo of Winners Chapel, Pastor David Ibiyeomie of Salvation Ministries Portharcourt, Pastor Sam Adeyemi, (DCC) Pastor Mathew  Ashimolowo (KICC London) and a host of others are very hard working Pastors.

i have come to understand and appreciate the fact that no one succeeds by accident. A life of impact is not a product of luck but hard work. It is a costly mistake to assume that you can become a Billionaire without hard work.

Pastor W. F Kumuyi; says “no one ever climbed a hill just by looking at it” When you do what you cannot do he steps in to do what you cannot do. Faith does not work only for workers and not for the idle. It does not work for lazy and indolent people. It is the work of faith that makes things work.

Bishop (Dr.) David Oyedepo says, “You cannot be committed and not be creative, you cannot be creative and not be productive and you cannot be productive and not be successful and you can not be successful and not be outstanding successful and not be impactful.

Information, ideas, skills, and preparation, not withstanding, with hard work, there can never be accomplishment. Behind every more, there is a mover behind every event in history, there is a human face. Nothing happen until you make it happens.

Archbishop (Dr.) Sam Amaga said, “Achievers are not those who know what to do, but those who did what they knew.” You have heard the say if riches were horses, all beggars will ride. This is as a result of the fact that riches only remain riches until acted upon.

There is a time for everything; there is a time to pry and time to work. Prayers cannot replace work. Work is not a curse; it was designed by God as a channel of blessing and for our livelihood.

Proverbs 10:4-5; 6:5-11; 24:30 -34: Genesis 26:12-14; “Then Isaac sowed in the land, and received in the same year an hundred fold: and the Lord blessed him” (Genesis 26:12), supposing Isaac did not sow, what would he have reap in hundredfold? Some people have all the resources at their disposal but because of their laziness they sow nothing and reap nothing. There are jobs for them to do, there are people who could (and are willing to) help them, yet they fold their hands in long deep sleep or sweet false bearing. Billionaires work long hours and hardly give up. The ability to work hard usually contributes greatly to their success story. 

Hard work is the key to business growth.

“No one ever climbed a hill
Just by looking at it”
-Pastor W. F. Kumuyi

“Laziness travels so slowly, poverty soon overtakes it”         -        (Anonymous)
Nothing works until you work it out.

According to biblical requirement, every single human being must be engaged in one form of business or the other as we can see in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 which says, “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you that is any would not work, neither should he eat.”

Life remains a burden until you work something out. Life cannot produce exciting result for you until you work it out.

Jesus was faced with the challenge of feeding (5) thousand men excluding children and women who of course are always more in number in every crusade.

In the midst of that great challenge as seen John 6:5-6. “he knew what he would do to solve the problem and he did not stop there, he work it out.

God does not record your works as much weighs your actions. God will only do what we cannot so!

When you do what you cannot do he steps in to do what you cannot so. Faith does not work without a working hand. That is to say, faith will work for workers and not for the idle. It does not work for lazy and indolent people. It is the work of faith that makes things works.

God has spoken many wonderful things concerning you in his word and I am glad to let know that he has not changed his mind about any of them. He still has a program to lift, bless and prosper you but those words may never come to pass until you begin to act.

Nobody lives in an architectural drawing design by an architect. It is what you build that you will live in.

There are many hard dreamers but few hard workers. A hard dreamer is fond of sitting around all day, wishing and dreaming about the kind of fame he would like to have without making any meaningful effort at achieving it. 

But a hard worker is an informed, ever ready man working at actualizing the divine plan for his/her life. Let me ask you where do you belong?

Friend, lots of today Christians who invest, “Faith but few who manifest its twin brother works. Real faith is seen in what you do or work out after you have heard a word from God from your man of God.

Now, know that without work, you are dead because they both work in synergy, faith without work is incomplete. So work it out and have faith.

So whatever future you dream of, if you don’t work at it, you cannot achieve it. Faith without works is already in the grave.

All the men and women of faith mentioned in Hebrew 11 were people who worked out their salvation they believe God but the also took steps to work out the fulfillment of the word they had believed.

When the word of faith becomes married to the work of faith, they give birth to miracles. David also was a man of great faith, but when he was face to face with Goliath he didn’t stop at making confessions. He worked it out by confronting Goliath.   

Another man of faith that was named in Hebrew 11 is Samson. And you know how he achieved his exploits of fame? He killed a thousand people with the fresh jawbone of an ass. 

You can see this in Judges 15:15. That is what faith does! It multiplies your little effort to produce great effects, even when what you have in your hand seems insignificant compared to the tasked before you.

We have had enough of faith talk, it is time to do the faith work! Faith will always demand work no matter how small. It is the word of faith, ,plus the work of faith that provoke manifestations.

Listen, the opportunity that God sends does not wake up one that is sleeping! Dr. Sam Amaga said, and I quote “achievers are not those who know what to do, but those who did what they knew”

You must have heard the say if wishes were horses, all beggars will ride this is as a result of the fact that wishes only remain wishes until acted upon

Many people are good at nursing good intentions and desire but never see it become a reality due to the lack of action on their part.

Pursuit is the proof of desire because; desire is not enough to produce a result. To have a good intention without acting is like winking to a lady in the dark expecting her to respond.

Henry Clay say, the time will come when the winter will as you what you were doing all summer. Behind every sweet is sweat

Life does not produce results by intention but by action. Many people spend all their time on the planning table of intentions and never produce fruits in the real world of action.

Sir Winston Churchill said, our greatest business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to so what lies clearly at hand. Behind everything working is a worker.

What are the intentions you have that are yet to be acted upon?

Get to work because whatever will be, will not be, do will not work. As you begin to work, things will begin to work for you.

If it is going to be, it’s up to you.

          One thing billionaires uniformly have in common is that almost without exception, the Billionaires either made their wealth in Real Estate or the keep their wealth in Real Estate. This assertion was made buy a world famous Read Estate Investor called Dr. Dolf deRoos. It’s never too late to begin your Real Estate investor career. With the right education and support you will be able to create long term secure wealth to pass onto future generation. Olumide Emmanuel of Calvary Bible Church in Lagos State said Real Estate is the only Real Business; Real Estate Investing is one of the best known ways to create Billons even if you have no money to begin with!   

Dealing in Real Estate:
v    Types of Real Estate – President Commercial
v    Types of Real Estate transaction – Buy, Lease, Build, buy uncompleted estate.
v    Keynote: value will continue to rise, that appreciate. Demand is always greater than supply.

·                    Look in the right places e.g neighbourhood in distress
·                    See beyond the immediate – see future use of the property.
·                    Match make players – look 1st for buyers, before looking for sellers.
·                    Conduct search @ land registry
·                    Seek legal counsel
·                    Be led by the Holy Ghost.    

                                             SECRET SIX
                               LIVING BELOW THEIR MEANS

This may not be the hot secret you expected, but this secret will assist you toward Billionaires status no matter what your income. Bill Earle said “If your outgo exceeds your income, then your upkeep will be your downfall” end of quote. The typical or most Billionaires spend less thank he earns, and invests the difference in business. Billionaires prefer to scarify high consumption today to achieve financial freedom tomorrow and for a lifetime.

                                   SECRET SEVEN
Most billionaires believe that to make real money you have to learn how to leverage other people money to they invests in income producing assets. Have a common belief that there is nothing wrong in borrowing money. What is wrong is not using borrowed money for regenerative purposes.  Dear reader how many riche men and women do you know who worked along using their own effort, skills and money to make it? Statistic here show that less 1% of every rich people ever made it along. Big business owners borrow millions or even billions of naira from the financial institutions (other people’s money) to create their products and services and employ hundreds or even thousands of people to work for them (other people efforts, skills and knowledge)

                                                 SECRET EIGHT
                                    HEART IN THE BUSINESS   
Most of the billionaires especially those among them who are entrepreneurs like Jimo Ibrahim, Dangote, Adenuga personally supervise the running of their business empire. They do not consider any detail too trivial to ignore. For instance, those who are close to Otunba Mike Adenuga says; and I quote “You cannot sneak into Adenuga’s business empire without passing through him” According to a recently published extract from the Achievers Digest Magazine, people say he personally recruits every staff that comes into the business and this system appears to have worked incredibly for him.

Napoleon’s courage was legendary but it was not vain or impetuous. Napoleon was famous for his fastidious attention to details, for taking pains to study and thoroughly understand every military situation he ever faced.

I know everyone tells you to delegate. And you should, once you can afford to and understand your own business systems. Nobody will look your bottom line like you.   

                                            SECRET NINE

Gen. 30:27,37-43; 41;33-44: introduce new ideas to do a work better and easier so as to brings new products out of the existing ones. The poor Christian can pray for a new vision in his/her work and get fresh ideas. So pray, dream and create!

Most Billionaires are incredibly creative and can spurn out wealth out of anything and any circumstances. The information I have at my disposal about Prince Nduka Obaigbena, the publisher of this day newspaper is that what stands him out of the pack is the fact that he seems to have creativity permanently wired into his systems. This day came to the media scare about ten years ago, but it is credited with most of the innovations going on in the industry. Through the newspaper, Nduka is redefining the rules for practitioners in the industry Pastor Chris of Christ Embassy is a man of creativity through his Rhapsody is available in nearly all the countries of the world teaching and transforming lives.

Gen: 30:27, 37 – 43:33-44: introducing new ideas to the work better and easier so as to bring new products out of the existing ones. The poor artisan can pray for a new vision in his/her work and get fresh ideas. So pray, dream and create.                                  

                                                   SECRET TEN
                                    GIVING BACK TO THE SOCIETY

Late M. K. O Abiola said,  “I count my riches based on the number of people I put smiles on their faces”. 

There are three keys to more abundant living.
1.     Caring about others.
2.     Daring for others
3.     Sharing with others
-         William Ward

Invest in others. It pays great dividends      

Feel for others in your wallet. – Charles Spungeon

Giving is always the thermometer of our love for others. When you cease to make a contribution you begin to die.

Selfishness always ends in self-destruction.

There is no happiness in having or in getting but only in giving.
                                                                 – Henry Drummond.

The test of generosity is not necessarily how much you give but how much you have left. God does not give you a business for you to make a living rather God gives you a business for you to make a giving – Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

The time to be happy is now. The pace to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others happy. – Robert G. Lugersoll.

The secret to living is giving. “One way to judge a person is by what they say. A better way is by what they do. The best way is by what they give”. “Feel for others in your wallet” – Charles Spurgeon.

Giving is always the thermometer of our love for others. When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die. Selfishness always ends in self destruction.

“There I no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving”.
                                                                 -Henry Drummond.

People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. “God does not give you a business for you to make a living rather God gave you business for you to make a giving” – Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. “The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others happy”. – Robert G. Lugersoll.

 Your seed is anything you give that benefits another person, a smile, time a word of encouragement or money.

Living for self alone makes a slave, but living for others makes a leader. When you stop making contributions to your world, you are no longer living, you are merely existing. Life is about contribution, not consumption; it is about relevance, not significance. Bishop David O. Oyedepo says, “It is your giving that provokes your receiving”. Don’t ever think you are giving to help God, as he will never need your help. He is everything and has everything.

Just as in a bank, if you don’t open an account and start depositing money in it, you cannot make withdrawal, so no giving no receiving.

Jesus said it is better to give than to receive and John Kennedy, former US president said, think of what you will do for your country and not what your country will do for you.

The Billionaires give willingly and cheerfully some months back during which the Lagos State in Nigeria experienced flood, our Nigerian Billionaires and President/CEO of Dangote Group of Companies cloyed out One Hundred Million Naira to the Lagos State Government to aid in alleviating the plight of the affected residents. The rich love to share their wealth with the less privileged citizens in the community. They like to aid in alleviating the plight of the ordinary citizenry. They do this as part of their Company’s corporate social Responsibility.            

The rich have private foundations which are dedicated to meeting the need of the needy in our society. Examples are: Dangote Foundation, Bill Gate Foundation etc.

Chief Razak Okoya at his 70th Birthday celebration bought buses, security Hiluz Jeeps and donated food items for charity purposes. His friends associate, and family members in their separate interviews all said he has torched lives positively.

Chief Victor Umeh, the National Chairman of All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), in January 2010 gave Anambra Community a lift. He donated bus, motorcycles, rice and the community praised his large heart.

People of the community, in their ecstatic mood drummed, sand, dance and prayed to God to prolong the life of their son. Hear what some of the beneficiaries said of Chief Victor Umeh. Agatha Onyeaguzi, a 43-years old said to News extra (The Nation Newspaper), January 15, 2010 “Umeh has become the Cynosure of all eyes in the community because of what she called his large heart.

She said: “This man has helped not only the widows and other less-privileged people in the community, but also the youth in the area. Up-till now, he still pays school fees for most students in this area.

Not only that, he has been donating materials such as text books to school children in the area. If you go to his house now, you will see a lot of people waiting for him for one help or the other. In fact, Victor Umeh is a God – sent man to the people of Aguluzigbo Community, “Onyeagusi said.

People become interested in you when they discover that you have their interest at heart. People will always associate more with a giver than a receiver and the cheapest and easiest way of commanding respect and becoming marketable is to live for the service of humanity.

You can never add value to humanity and not be celebrated. Lets stop looking at what our country can do for us, but start seeing what we can do for the betterment of our country Nigeria.

Bishop David Oyedepo says, “Meeting the needs of humanity is what gives dignity to destiny”.

The Bible says, it is more blessed to give than to receive. Show me a Billionaire, I will show you the man that gives. Don’t be tired of giving. Give to the less privileged, give to friends; give to wisdoms and Orphans give to street beggars, give into the work of God, give to your family members, and give from a clear conscience.

When you give, don’t be so inquisitive on the outcome or what you may in turn get. A time of giving and sowing is never a wasted time. The more you give; the ore you will receive don’t hoard your health, share it with others and watch it multiply. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Pastor Ayo Orisejafor, Pastor T. B. Joshua of Synaque Church of all nations(Scoan) (aka Immanuel) and a host of others are givers which is evidence in the way the support the physically challenged, less privileged, down trodden in the society.

Aside from being the most famous businessman of the late 1990’s Gates has also distinguish himself as a philanthropist extraordinary. He and his wife, Melinda, established the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” which focuses on helping to improve health care and education for children around the world. Aside from being the famous businessman of the late 1990s, Gates has also distinguished himself as a philanthropist extraordinary. He and his life, Melinda, established the ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’’ which focuses on helping to improve health care and education for children around the world.

                                         SECRET ELEVEN
                          THEY FOLLOW THEIR PASSION

The difference between the successful people and  failures is passion. You can only succeed at what you are excited about.     
All known achievers and wealthy people build their lives on their major or care inclinations. Be informed that greatness is tied to passion.

Passion is a wonderful thing; it is what Dr. John C. Maxwell call the great energizer. It might interest you to hear that passionate  people have a lot of energy. That’s why when you see successful people, they love what they do and they do what they love. They never run out of energy man who has passion and will show you a man who has energy. Show me a man who lack passion and I will show you a man who lack energy.

Most of the legitimate Billionaires in the world own one or more businesses. To create true and lasting wealth, you must start and sustain a business or business within the area you are passionate about. An area you love and with a deep interest.

 The billionaire love what they do much that is rarely feels like work, they bury their heart into it and they money has no choice than to on flowing. Following your passion is where the money is and you will not get rich working for somebody or being an employee.

What are you passionate about? What would you die for? What would you live? What do you really care about? Find something you love, something you’re passionate about, create a business around what you love and watch the money flow into your bank account daily.

Make a list of the things you are passionate about. It could be starting a business, a charity. Organization, going into politics or a church etc. Late Conrad Nicholson Hilton, the brain behind Hilton Hotels Worldwide, was said to be eating and sleeping hotels. He was so passionate and interested about hotel business. Before he died in 1979, almost two hundred (200) Hilton Hotels existed in America and some parts of Europe.

Today, because he was driven by a passion, almost every country on this planet earth has a Hilton Hotel. In Nigeria, it is call Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja.

Times Magazine made this statement about Bill Gates and I quote, “He is a man who likes computers very much. He’s crazy about them. It seems like an odd passion” Passion made gates quit studying Law in Harvard to starting a small company called Microsoft Corporation. Listen to Bill Gate, the world’s richest man. “I wasn’t quite sure, what my career would be until I ran into the computer and there I saw a change to take my hobby and actually make something that could change the world, make a business around it, and really make that my life long pursuit”.

Your prosperity is tied to your passion and interests. The secret of success is following your passion. Just follow your passion and within no time, you will get to the top.

For Dr. Sam Egwu (Former Minister of Education), Late Alhaji Yardua (Former Nigeria President), Chief Dr. Godswill Obot Akpabio, Senator Ita Enang, Senator David Mark (Senate President), Senator Olu Mamora, Mr. Ojo Maduekwe (Former Foreign Affairs Minister), some Federal Cabinet Ministers, some States Commissioners, Chairmen’s and Counselors in the various Local Governments and wards respectively, it is politics (Service to Humanity).

For Mikel Obi, Kanu Nwankwo, Sir, J. J. Okocha, Osasie Odimwingie (Footballers), Don Jazzy, Dbang, Terry G, Timaya, Sound Sultan, Sir Wilker, Prince Uduak Akpan Daniel (Musicians), I go Die, I go save, Okey Bakassi, Ali-baba, Dan De Homorous, Ay. Com, Mr. Ibu, Aki and Pawpaw, it is entertainment.

When halt Elias Disney was reported death, he was worth more than $150million. Disney was in love with cartoons and animations, and he made money from it. He made “Mickey Mouse” an immortal creature and made the story “Alice is wonder” land come alive. He loved animation so much that he pursued it.

For Pastor Chris Okotie (Household of God Ministry, Lagos) Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (Christ Embassy), Pastor Enock Adeboye (Redeemed Christian Church of God), bishop David Oyedepo (Winners Chapel), Pastor Sam Adeyemi (Daystar Christian Centre), Bishop Cletus Bassey (Destiny International Mission), Rev. Ntia I Ntia (Fullife), Rev. (Dr.) Uma Ukpai, Bishop Emma Isong, Pastor Kumuyi (Deeper Life), archbishop Sam Amaga (Salem Chapel), Bishop Mike Okonkwo (TREM), it is ministry.

For Alhaji Aliko Dangote (Dangote Group of Companies),  Dr. Friday Etuk  (Assur Electronics), Barr. Jimoh Ibrahim (Global Fleet Group), Dr. Oba Otudeko(Honeywell Group), Dr. Mike Adenuga (Conoil, Globacom), Mr. Unyime Idem (Idem Ultimate), Jim Ovia (Zenith Bank Plc.), it is business.

You will be remembered for your passion. To succeed, anywhere, follow your passion and fascination.  Your success is tied to your passion. Find your flair. Like these people I have mentioned, you too can make it with what you have in you, where you are.

For owners of The Promise, Mr. Biggs, Sammies, Oliver Tweet, Genesis Appetito fast foods, it is fast-food business.

Real success is finding your life work in the work that you love
v  David MC Cullough

You should be engaged in work that you love and enjoy what you do. There is nothing as fulfilling as functioning in the area of your calling, talent and passion. The reason why successful business keeps on succeeding is passion. The business that fails the promoters lacks passion. Do a business in an area/industry where you have the potential to be the best, to be better than 90% of people in that field/area.

When you are engaged in what you are passionate about, it becomes easier for you to succeed. The Billionaires do what they are passionate about. I m yet to see a billionaire that lacks passion for his business area. They enjoy their business because its fun for them. They are always at work daily and they are excited. They are making their money doing what they love doing. They are tired because it is fun for them.

Many of us have passion for some things. It will be wonderful and interesting for us to start earning money from the creative and productive use of our passion. Earning money from an area you are passionate about is a nice way to get paid for doing something you would do anywhere. Ask yourself that things you do that even without any pay, you would still do it and be happy? It is a lot easier sticking to something you are very passionate about because of the deep rooted interest you have for it. That probably may be the only reason, you will still persist when challenges, setbacks, trials, comes up intermittently.
Do you want to start your own business today? Then find something you love and passionate about. You have to go in the direction of something you love and look for a way to make money from it. You must choose a business because you love it and then the money that comes from it will be kind of an extra incentive.

I remember that I went into compiling and writing books because of the passion and love I have to help people through writing. To
day this passion and love has made me to write and publish three3 books in the area of widow (quote), business and destiny. Other titles are coming out soon. I must confess that the money that is sustaining me as a young writer, motivational teacher and columnist with newslink and community pulse newspapers comes from my book sales and it is fun for me. I can stay at home from morning till night for days compiling and writes books.

You have to practices very well what you are passionate about. You cannot neglect the place of practice. To be good at what you do you have to devote a lot of time to practicing so that you can become very good at what you do. Shaping your skills is very important. The better you becomes at what you are passionate about, the higher your changes of becoming wealthy.

If you’re passionate is not the one that will make you rich you don’t have to force it and wastes your time. something when your are very passionate about something and you try to take higher in order to make money from it and it is promising very tough, you must not make it a do or die affairs.

The major reason why people are encouraged to turn passion into money making venture is as a result of the facts that running businesses times could become a lonely and difficult thing and in that case, the only things that sustain you will be natural love you have for it.

Take marketing very seriously. If you intend to turn your passion into a business, then you require customer and then you will require doing some marketing to attract customers. Start off by talking to your family, friends, colleagues, associates, neighbours, and acquaintances thereafter you can then proceed to let the larger society know about your business.   

Creativity will made you succeed, as you are starting out try to be creative. There are many entrepreneurs who have started their business in the area of sports, fashion and education business just because of the deep rooted passion they have for them. Many ate not having fun but making lots of money.

Actually we need to care about making money from our passion we therefore need to harness our passion in order to make money from them. If you are unemployed or underemployed, then you can really consider using your passion to create wealth and make money for yourself. You can sure earn money doing something you love and passionate about.

                                               SECRET TELWE
                                  THEY USE THEIR TALENT
The toughest thing about success is that you’ve got to keep on being a success. Talent is only a starting point in this business. You have to keep on working on that talent. Someday I will reach for it and it won’t be there.
-Irving Berlin
jim Collins clearly states in his book that for you to be successful, you have to find an area that you are sure that you will be better that 90 percent of people in that field.

          I decided to add a chapter on using your talent to make money from the scratch. From my extensive research, I discovered that you depend on your talents; it could take you to places that you never imagined. Sometimes if you go to where your natural talent takes you, money making could just become fun instead of work. I know that our natural talents differ and not all of them will be related to business but. I am more concerned with you making money from the scratch and then investing it later into a profitable business venture.


Many people are born with natural talents but unfortunately, many have not come to realize this and that is why there is so much confusion. They have not come to understand the immense and unquantifiable value of their natural talents.  
A two-time World Footballer of the year was asked how he came about his tricks and dribbles on the pitch and his answer was that they came naturally. Why so many people who are less naturally endowed with such skills will spend countless number of months and years trying to acquires those skills with hard work, pain, and persistence.

The one that is naturally endowed will spend little time not learning but sharpening those skills. That is what talent does for you. I need not tell you what Ronaldinho earns every week, but if you are a football fan, you can give a good guess and you truly know that he earns a great deal of money.

Now, I don’t know what talent you have and it is not important but I want to assume that there is no person on this planet earth that has not gotten a special and peculiar talents are alike and that is why no matter how two people resemble, peculiaries must still exist.

          With your talent, you can o to do things effortlessly because you have natural skills for that particular thing. Your naturally skills and abilities will set you on a higher path of success and financial of freedom.

          A very good friend of mine who had this natural ability for writing went to the University and graduated with a Bachelor of arts degree in English Language and Literature. Upon graduation, he wasted no time and took to writing immediately and within six weeks, his first two months was ready and has been published in Britain with his works and also smiling to the bank. That is the beauty of natural talents.

ne basic way to generate more speed in our lives is to use our talents and abilities to create value in the market place. When we use our talents to create value for the market, we will be rewarded financially. This key is so simple that any people miss it.

The rich discover, develop and deploy their God given talents in creative and productive ways. The rich recognize the fact that we all are blessed with certain talents and abilities. When we put these talents to productive and intelligent use, we will become rich.

The path to riches is quite simple, develop your talents into valuable skills which you can use to attract riches into your life. The rich use their talents into your life. The rich use their talents creatively. They educate themselves and develop their innate talents into skills which they then offer in the market place. The rich attend seminars, training programs and workshops to develop and hone their skills. They recognize the fact that you need skills to attract success in the world’s market place.

The poor do not put their talents to creative use. Although they admire the rich and how they use their talents, they do not develop theirs. That is the reason why the poor remain at the bottom of the world’s financial food chain. I they refuse to apply themselves to discipline and develop their talent. They had rather struggle for a living than devote tie to the development of their abilities.


Mathew 25:14 – 30. Many average and poor people do not make use of their God-given talents. They are always afraid of venturing into a new business. They dread taking risks. Instead of looking for a way of applying their talents to create a means of livelihood they embark on futile search for greener pastures in other professions. You imagination? Write books! You are gifted in money – management, business transaction? With a little money and Gods help, you can start a business. “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it.” (Ecclesiastics 9:10).

World billionaires discover, develop and deploy their God given talents in creative and productive ways. The sure way to wealth is very simple. Discover and develop your natural talents into valuable skills and then use it to attract money into your life. The rich recognized the fact that we are endowed with talents, gifts and abilities. The productive become rich and prosperous.

The rich make business effort to sharpen and have their talents to become a skill by attending workshops, seminars, trainings programs, reading relevant books etc. the poor do not put their talents to creative and productive use. The like to pray instead of trying to develop their talents. Although they admire the rich and how they use their talents, they do not develop theirs. They will prefer to see down for hours watching comedians, actors/actresses on televisions and movies and laughing about it without thinking of how to also make impact like them with their own talents. This is the reason why they remain at the bottom of the world’s financial food chart. They will never - never plan to discipline and develop their talents. They like blaming the devil and their background for their poor state.

Defines exactly what it is that you are very good at doing, or could be very good at, and throw your whole heart into doing those specific things very, very well.

“He is a wise man who waste no energy on pursuit for which he is not fit; and he is wiser still who from among the things he can do well, choose and resolutely follows the best”. – William Gladstone.

For Julius Agwu, it is comedy. For Emeka Ike, it is acting. For Kanu Nwankwo, it is football. Think of Shakespeare and you’ll remember his literature for late Michael Jackson (MJ), it is music and dancing style. For Michelangelo, it is paintings and sculpture.

To succeed, anywhere, follow your talents and gifts. Your success is tied to your talents, your grace for success is in your talents and gifts. Your lifting is in your gifting. It is easier to develop your talents, gifts and passion and succeed, than to solve problems. Think about it.

E. W. Kenyon says “many people are in the wrong place in life. They have no gift for the thing they were trying to do”. To work outside your gift’s zone is to give room for that life of struggle. Be what nature intended you for and you will succeed.

You will make money from your talents than for your formal training. Jay – Jay Okocha, for Nigeria Super Eagles Captain, was worth more than one billion naira in equivalence in 1999 just for playing football. Lux soap gave Genevie Nnaji, the beautiful Nollywood actress, about N20, million for using her as a model on their advert. Guinness gave Tuface Idibia N14 million for his “Nfana Ibaga O” song on their advert. This kind of money came from developed talent, and not a University degree.

I can tell you for free that most University Professors will never have this kind of money in their bank account in their life time. Tuned Adewale studied medicine and ended up a fashion designer.

HOW TO MAKE YOUR TALENT MAKE MONEY FOR YOU:        Discover what you can really do. Do  a self inventory. Evaluate them. How far do you want to go with these talents? What do you want them to be worth?

Develop and improve yourself. Success is the product of discovery., development and maximum living. Concert your talent to skill. Talent isn’t skill. Skill is processed  talent. Talent is too raw to be appreciated. And besides. There are too many talents everywhere. People pay more for cooked well-garnished rice than for raw rice. Train the genius in you. Champions don’t become champion in the ring – they are merely recognized there. Tony Robbins, success coach, admonishes, “Practice  CANI. It simply means: Constant and Never-ending Improvement” I now see why Larry Bird, a basketball legend, practiced 500 free throws every morning. Now I see David Beckam, said to be the best free-kicks every morning. The secret of our success is found in our daily routine. So improve yourself.

Expose yourself. You should expose yourself to books in your field or area. Attend seminars, go for concerts, for auditioning, write articles, meet people and browse the net. 

For Ubong Essien, George Essien, Koyode Babatope, Fela Durotoye Rev. Sam Adeyemi, Blessing Isonguyo, Brian Tracy.

For Nkem Divo, Ukwa, John Okafor (Mr. Ibu), Basket Mouth, Igo Save, Igo Die, Chicka Okpara (Chief Zebudiya), Papa Ajasco and Co, Okey Bakassi.

For Didia Drogba, Kanu Nwankwo, J. J. Okocha, Mikel Obi, Vincent Enyiama, Emmanuel Adebayor.

For Stephen Keshi, Samson Siasia, Christian Chukwu, Las Largerback.

For sir Wilker, Pastor Goddy, Dear Kelly, Timaya, Psquare, Duncan Mighty, Niga Raw, Flavour, and Terry G.

For Emeka Ike, Cafenol (Bishop) Patience Asukwo, Mama G, Kanayo O. Kanayo, Ramsey Noah, Kate Henshaw, Peter Edochie, Saint Obi

For owners of the promise, Mr. Biggs, Summaries, Oliver Twist, Genesis, Appetito. For more on talent, get my book, Make News with your Talents.

                                                SECRET THIRTEEN
                                               PERSISTENCE IS THERE      
On your way to the next level, avoid the devil called the obstacle. On your way to creating your own billions, you will definitely face some minor and major obstacles. The secret to overcome these obstacles and move on. This is what the billionaires does. Do not give up – be persistent. True long-term wealth is achieved only by striding over, under and through the obstacles along your path to riches. The road to success leads through the valley of humility, down the path of patience, disciplines and across the wide barren plains of perseverance. As at now, no short cut has been discovered.AIT (African Independent Television) and Raypower FM stands a monument of the resilience of Chief Raymond Dokpesi. Do you know how many times AIT had been closed down? They’d gone into debts, owed several millions, but kept moving on. It takes a strong man like Raymond Dokpesi to keep that dream alive. The above truth mentioned had so gripped him. He knew that the death of his idea could be the death of his potential business empire

A good business man never say die. At ever stage of moving up there are hurdles that must be surmounted. The hallmark of a successful entrepreneur is that he falls seven thing and rises up the eight time..
“Your ability to persist in the face of setbacks and disappointments is your measure of your believe in yourself and your ability to succeed” – Brain Tracy.

Winston Churchill summarized the most important lesson of his life when he said. “Never give in; never, never, give in”. When you back all of your goals and plans with irresistible determination, passion and persistence, you will eventually find that there is nothing in the world planet that can stop you except yourself or dead. When you persist in the face of challenges, problems, shortcoming, setbacks, delays, you will experience in this life, and you continue to persist in the midst of them, you are simply demonstrating that you have the ability and quality of self-discipline and self-mastery that are necessary for achievement and success.

Persistence is self-discipline in action. Perhaps the most important demonstration of self-discipline is your level of persistence when the going gets tough. Persistence is self-discipline in action. Persistence is the true measure of individual human character. Your persistence is, in fact, the real measure of your belief in yourself and your ability to succeed.

The common quality of success in history is persistence. The history of the human race is the story of the triumph if persistence. Every great man or woman has had to endure tremendous trials and tribulation before reaching the heights of success and achievement. The endurance and perseverance is what made them great.

Your guarantee of eventual success is persistence. Calvin Coolidge, a President who was so reluctant to speak in public that he was given the nickname of “Silent Cal,” will go down in history for his simple but memorable words on success. He wrote, “Press on. Nothing in the world than unsuccessful men with talent. Genins will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent”.
 For more on persistence get my book, Winning Wisdom Worldwide.

                             SECRET FOURTEEN
The more regularly you exercise, the more energy you have, the better you feel, and the longer you will live. Regular exercise enhances your digestion, reduces the number of hours that you need to sleep, and increase your vitally in the physical, mental, and emotional realms.
For the greatest overall health benefits, experts recommend that you do 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity three or more times a week and some type of muscle strengthening activity and stretching at least twice a week. However, if you are unable to do this level of activity, you can gain substantial health benefits by accumulating 30 minutes or more of moderate intensity physical activity a day, at least five times a week.

Too many billionaires are in good shape. They do some physical exercise. Everyone should exercise. Many people especially the unsuccessful or the average people can hardly walk up stairs without huffing and puffing because they are carrying all of the extra weight around.

People ask me how I stay so slim. I watch what I eat and I consistently exercise properly. As you get older, you cannot eat like you used to eat. The main reason why you gain weight is acting too much so, if you are getting bigger, it is because you are eating too much.

Controlling your weight by proper diet and proper exercise is a part of being successful. This is what the world billionaires do.

It is not everyone who has the opportunity for outside or gymnastic work. Still, you can incorporate exercise into your daily work and home routine, bending and stretching muscles appropriately through the day. However, as only about two(2) % of the population get enough exercise through their work, a home exercise machine of some kind may be of benefit.

Exercise eliminates toxins from your body, tones your muscles, build your immune systems and energies you. You should schedule a regular time to exercise and keep to your schedule. Exercise regularly. I sometimes swim or takes long walks but I make an effort to exercise daily. You should get some advice from your doctor before you engage in any form of exercise.
Most billionaires undergo regular medical checkup in Nigeria and in the western country. They don’t usually wait until they are sick, as poor people do. This because they know that health is wealth.


                                      SECRET FIFTEEN
                    MULTIPLE STREAM OF INCOME  
This helps the reduce risks in business. This is because if one area or sector is negatively affected, you can rely on the other ones, Diversity your income Source, for Financial stability.
When you look at Late Archbishop Benson Idahoza’s achievements today, you’ll say; Waa. a O! He was a lucky chap! But do you know that Papa Idahoza as busy as he was in preaching the gospel across cities, continents etc. he was still into Estate Management? He was buying plots of lands, developing and selling. Archbishop was business minded! Isn’t it?

What about Bishop David Oyedepo of Winner’s Chapel. In one of his teaching doing Minister summit at Covenant University Campus Chapel, he revealed to us that only tape sales brings huge income into the ministry. We can’t talk about returns from books, stickers, calendars etc.

Wealth cannot be truly attained about multiple streams of income. Ensure that you create multiple streams of income, so that if one dries up, another one will still be flowing.

The sea never runs dry because it receives water from various rivers and streams –Wisdom Man
There is single rich and wealthy individual on earth today hat has only one source of income. Even if their business is their source, the business itself makes money from multiple sources.
It is therefore very important for everyone who desires to become rich and to ensure that they have multiple sources of income.  The secret of unimaginable oceanic wealth is multiple streams of income. The sea or ocean never runs dry weather in rainy seasons or dry season. The sea stays alive and full at all times and during all seasons.
When dry season comes in some part of the world, ponds dry up, lakes dry up, some rivers dry up, but nowhere in the world does the sea or ocean dry up.
This happens because everybody of water both from lakes, ponds, streams, rivers etc. eventually find their way into the sea or ocean. The ocean receives from multiple streams, and even though all the streams don’t flow with the same velocity or affect the ocean in the same way, they all have a part to play in the existence of the ocean. To become like on ocean and stay wealthy no matter what comes your way, you need to establish different sources of income in your life. While some streams dry up during the dry season, some will still keep on flowing.   

Whatever you are able to diversity your investments and make them to start yielding incomes, and you also keep investing those incomes, you’ll know that your turn of unending financial prosperity has come to past.

                                          SECRET SIXTEEN
                                   SELLING SOMETHING

To make money you must look for a need to fill. Everyone who makes money satisfies a particular need for someone else. As Dr. Mike Murdock says, “If you see someone who has a lot of money, it is because he is solving problems for people and if you see someone who has no money, it is because he is not solving any problem. Find a problem and solve it.  

Be selling, I do not mean sitting around in a particular shop waiting fdor customers to show up. This is not selling. The real art of selling is you moving from one place to another either from office to office, shop to shop, home to home doors to doors, informing people about your product, why they need them and selling on the sput.

In this planet earth, it is a path way of becoming wealthy without money. The world of selling is a world that has made many men millionaires. Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group. A company that own Virgin Atlantic Airlines and other companies within the group, started off by selling music, records on the streets of London. With that humble beginning, he has been able to build an empire as a Youngman. He is today one of the world billionaires around.

Here what Brain Tracy, world’s stop salesman said, “I started my life with very few benefits or advantages. I worked at laboring jobs and worried about money all the time. I bless the day that I got into selling the field of selling offered me benefits, and possibilities that life has to offer.

Get a product to market. Yes, be ready to sell anything legal. The richest people in the world sell their products internationally; a finding shows that dell averagely makes and 7m daily selling his product while Microsoft sell billion of his software’s products. That is why he is a billionaire. Be selling something. People will only give you money in exchange for a product of value.

Most people do not k now that if you must be a billionaire, you must possess the ability to sell. I found that out. You must presently have something you are selling, selling anything people need; services, books, cloths cards, cameras, phones, shorts. Even if you have a regular paid job make sure you are selling something.

Salesmanship is surely one of the success secrets and strategies today. Today many Americans self made millionaires their money through sales. They made their initial money from being salesmen and by continually investing they became rich. This is the pathway to becoming prosperous.

Salesmanship offers us the great opportunity to grow and become wealthy. Many people desire and wish to be wealthy but they hate to sell something. If you wish to be wealthy be ready to enjoy selling something and try to be comfortable with it. Wealthy people on a daily basis have one thing or the other to sell and it may be ideas, services or products.

Your ability to sell will set you on a higher path of success, wealth and financial freedom forever. In the ministry today for instance, some Pastors and Ministers are more successful and popular than others. They reason is not far fetch. They have been able to apply their selling skills to attract and retain members.
Selling is simply and you can learn. If decide to choose this path it means of becoming wealthy, you must be ready to prepare yourself for the challenges, problems, shortcomings associated with selling.

It is not wise for you to start off without learning through information gathering by attaining seminars, reading sales books available and networking with people who have been in the profession before you. In sales without any training and information in sales you are setting yourself up for a failure and at the same time wasting a great deal of your resource, time and energy. Be ready to learn and become perfect.

This will enable you have experience and adequate prepare you for the challenges and realities ahead. This will in the long run helps you to avoid the pitfalls you could have experience in the field of sales.

The wisdom in the bible was told to sell the oil, pay her debts and live on the remaining money. The singular reason why this woman was probably facing hardship financially was because she never attempts for sell anything to anybody. Zig Ziglar said, “The secret to unlimited success and wealth in life is find a need and fill it. If you will just solve problems or meet the needs of enough people, you will become wealthy.

God told her through the Prophet to change her thinking and start selling something, oil learn to develop your selling skills. To succeed in any business venture, you must develop your selling skills. Something is a skill. Try to buy and read books, Magazines, Journals, Tapes, Cds etc. on successful selling and incorporate the techniques, steps secrets and strategies into your business.

“You’ll always have everything you want in life, if you’ll help enough other people get what they want.”                                  

                                      SECRET SEVENTEEN

Among other things, ideas really separate millionaires from mediocre, the very best. Rich people don’t just have ideas, they act on their ideas. The poor or average people are hunted by the ghost of the ideas they failed to implement. Really, ideas- a majority of them- have a short life-span. One thing you must not forget as you read along is this: the death of an idea could be the death of a business empire. Write out those words on paper and paste them right in front of your wall mirror. It is one of the greatest truths you will ever remember as a business man.

Beware of an idea whose time has come’-Victor Hugo.

Scientists believe that more than 2,000 ideas flow through our minds every day. A hundred of these ideas are surely quality ideas. In fact, every great enterprise began with an idea or they evolved from a dream. Everything we see today is a product of someone’s idea. The next time you walk pass a billboard or sign post of a company, remember that is a product of somebody’s brain.

Thoughts become things.
There is no creation without conception.
The moment you have a million-Naira- idea, you have a million Naira!

Every success story-personal or corporate-had a starting point. There has never been a ‘becoming’’ without a beginning. For great corporations, their starting point was the birth of the idea in the leader’s mind.

Hilton Hotel International began in the mind of Conrad Nicholson Hilton. Today, it is one of the most luxurious hotels in the world. Ben Murray Bruce had the idea of Silver Bird Entertainment more than 26 years ago. Today, he has a television station and a radio station.

Professor Wole Soyinka birthed the Nigeria Road Safety Corps. Mike Adenuga’s brain child is the Globacom brand, one of Nigeria’s biggest telecommunication networks. Alhaji Akilo Dangote conceptualized Dangite group, a multibillion Naira’s conglomerate. In fact, it is said that his conglomerate worth one trillion Naira, and has staff strength of over 10,000. Asa Chandler made Coca-Cola the success it is today by him. Caleb Braham gave birth to the Pepsi brand. These men all had ideas.

 It just takes one idea to live like a king for the rest of your life. – Ross Perot. It is common practice by people who are faced with challenges, problems, obstacles, trails etc in life to run around looking for someone who can provide remedial measures or solutions to our problems. The way out of our problems and challenges are given to us through divine ideas. God Almighty always speaks to us by means of thoughts drooping into our minds.

Hundreds of ideas run through our minds daily. Rose Perot, the famed multi-Billionaire said, “All it takes for you to live like king for the rest of your life is one good idea.” Next time you get an idea, ensure that you incubate, nurtured and water it until it grows into maturity in no distant time.

Every great destiny comes with a little seed of an idea and many of us usually throw away (or do nothing) with such little ideas. Meanwhile inside that small idea is the thing you’re looking for. That success you’re looking for is in that little idea.

Successful people work by ideas not by strength, what makes one the master and the other the servant? What makes one a boss and the other an employee? One uses the ideas, the other uses strength. That’s why the manager will always be boss over the labourer. One works with his/her brains, the other works with his muscles.

Every advance in human life begins with an idea in the mind of a single person. It is the ideas you generate, more than anything else, that will enable you to achieve your goals. Ideas are the keys to the future.

Your ability to generate constructive ideas is to all intents and purposes, unlimited. Therefore, your potentials is unlimited as well. Ideas are a mode of transportation, a vehicle that you can use to make yourself from wherever you are to wherever you want to go. Your job is to generate as many ideas as possible, evaluate them carefully, against your current goals, and then take action on them. There is virtually no obstacle in life that you cannot overcome with the power of ideas.

The difference between a millionaire and a pauper is an idea (or ideas). When you have ideas, you process them into finished products; sell them and then entre into your fortune. An idea got and processed can take you to the next level.

This book you are holding now came as an idea from God. On Wednesday 1st February, 2012, I was cooking and about 10.00am God gave me an idea of writing a book on what you see today. Today, it is on circulation and blessing countless number of people.

May the Lord bless you with heavenly ideas that will guarantee your earthly manifestation. Ideas that transformed your life and bring you into limelight. If you wait and cannot get an idea from God, do not wait forever! Look around your neighbor, your environment and identify a need (a Problem) and seek for possible solutions to it. Or you can take advantage of your talents, or your gift and see how you can use them to solve economical, social, environmental problems by monetizing them.

Joshua Ogbowu said, “Ideas rule the world, because there is power in ideas. One single idea can change the life, destiny and generation of an individual, community or nation. Friends, an idea is all you need. You do not have money problem, what you really do need is an idea. A poor man is not one without money by one without an idea.             

Joshua Ogbowu said, “Ideas is a lifter. It is powerful enough to inject you into limelight” ideas are money, Sunny Obazu – Ojeagbase said, “Idea is the heart…. The engine of our civilization. Without it, the human race will still be living in the cave.” Sunny Obazu – Ojeagbase says, “Sound ideas are the seed for every wealth that has created the world. So if you come up with one sound idea, then you should regard yourself as a millionaire… True there is a gap between when you get an idea and when the money starts to roll in. the quality of your idea will be responsible for the size of your success.” Everything you have ever seen in our society today come as an idea in someone’s mind. From Fashion, television, Phones, Airoplanes.

How to get ideas

-                     Improve on existing ideas
-                     Have a strong desire to find solutions to problems.

The world billionaires are men and women of great ideas. A poor man is not a man without money but a man without ideas. A rich man is a man with ideas. Scientists believe that more than 2, 000 ideas flow through our minds everyday. Out of these 2, 000 ideas, a hundred of them are good ideas.

Every personal or corporate success story had a starting point. Every great enterprise began with an idea or they evolved from a dream. There can never be a “becoming” without a beginning. God Almighty who created us, deposited in us, some good ideas. Ideas are thoughts, concepts and impressions in once mind which could give birth to something completely new or modify something already in existence.

Everything we see today is a product of someone idea. The next time you enter or sees a company, tell yourself this is a product of somebody’s idea. Their starting point was the conception and the birth of the idea in the owner’s mind. All the products, houses, a conglomerate, cars, schools etc are product of people’s ideas.

Success is a product of good idea. Henry Beecher says. “The ability to convert ideas to thing is the secret to success.” Idea rules the world, can influence our society, can conquer time and brings about changes. Thoughts become things. There is no creation without conception. The creation of the world was God’s idea. He eventually created all of us in his own image and likeness and transferred the same ability to us.

The moment you have a million – of ideas, you have a million of naira! Money without an idea will end up in the pit of poverty. When you have money without good and Godly ideas, the money will soon fly away from your hand, only to make you poorer and poorer. Every problems is loaded with possibilities, all it requires is an idea. Ideas make billionaires and there will never be a great man without a sound idea.

Lois Wyse says, “The only people in the whole world who can change things are those who can sell ideas” Robert Schuller says, “Nobody has money problem; only an idea problem”. If you desire riches, don’t look for money, get ideas. The most miserable person on earth is a person with an idea.

An idea is an impulse of thought that impels action, by an appeal to the imagination. If you have an idea beneficial to man and your conscience is clear, objective worthy, go ahead to carry it out, no matter the ridicules, obstacle, challenges you may face.

The mention of people like Robert Kiyosaki, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Barr. Jimoh Ibrahim, Anthony Robbins, Henry Ford, Richard Branson, Bill Gate, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Otunba (Dr.) Mike Adenuga and a host of many others will tell you people of great ideas.

Conrad Nicholson Hilton, the owner of Hilton Hotel International, began his Hotel business many years ago because he conceived the idea in his mind. Today, it is one of the most luxuries hotels worldwide. Asa Candler came up with the idea of coca-cola. It started in kettle in move to drum and then finally in bottle that are now distributed all over the world. Asa Candler had an idea of making delicious drinks, by mixing up carbonated water, sugar, flavouring and colouring. Today, Coca-cola brand is one of the most successful multinational companies worldwide.

Marconi, the man who discovered the principles of sending messages through air without the aid of wires or other direct physical means of communications, I was taken into custody and examined psycho-pathetic hospital by his friend but his strong desire prevailed. Today, we have television, phones and other wireless means of communication everywhere. His idea placed him on the next level of life and makes him an inventor and a billionaire.

Ben Murray Bruce had the idea of Silver Bird Group many years ago. Today Silver Bird group has interest in entertainment, media etc. he has a television and radio station. Caleb Braham gave birth to the Pepsi brand. Alhaji Aliko Dangote is the brain behind this multi billion naira conglomerate, Dangote Group. Otunba (Dr.)

Mike Adenuga is owner of the Globacom, Conoil and Equatorial Trust Bank. What makes these men billionaires is their ideas they birth many years ago.

Thomas Edison, the great inventor and manufacturer of light build, had an idea to produce something that would be a source of light t for the whole world and probably got some credit for doing so. Chief Raymond Dokpesi, the brain behind African independent television (AIT) and Raypower fm. Today AIT and Raypower for are strong voices from the African continent to the world.


-                     Add speed of delivery to a basic product or service
-                     Solve problems for people
-                     Bring out inspirational products
-                     Look for a need and fill it.
-                     Develop an intellectual property e.g write a book, launch your musical or comedy album etc.
-                     Package a “something made easy”
-                     Observe an existing product, modify, update, add, subtract and make it different.
-                     Don’t be a workaholic, make out tie to telex, think and plan for your life.
-                     Maintain a peaceful state of mind so that something good can flow from your mind.
-                     Take an existing product, add value or additional benefit to it and offer it at or cheaper price
-                     Add home delivery to a common product or service.
-                     Road good books, newspaper, magazines attend seminars, listen to broadcasts, get information from internet etc.

Ideas created, developed and carried out will not only solve human problems but will also make individual with such ideas to become billionaires in future. Good ideas make billionaires see you on top!

-                     Relate with billionaires who made it the proper way. You may tap ideas from them on how they made it.
-                     Avoid bitterness, malice, anger, hatred, and an unforgiving attitude. They will steal away you ability to co-ordinate your mind and conceive good ideas.
-                     Do not spend your free hours making useless jokes. Spend them on useful interactions. Good ideas can come through exchange of useful words.
-                     Make friend with wise and intelligent people. Avoid Association with fools because good ideas cannot come from fools.
                             SECRET EIGHTEEN


Start small and thought big. It is not where you started that counts, it is where you finished that counts. 
Brain Tracy, bestselling Author, professional Speaker, scientist started at the bottom and worked his way up, one step at a time. He began his adult life uneducated, unskilled, and unemployed, living in his car and working at odd jobs as they came along. Today, Brian Tracy is one of the top business consultants in the United States and one of the most popular professional speakers in the world. He is the president of Brian Tracy intentional, a consulting and training organization based in Solana beach, California.
Billionaires like Bill Gates, Allaji Dangote, all those who control the world’s wealth and own the good things we desire in life, are those who took the courage to start small in their respective calling, irrespective of seeming difficulties, rejection, trials etc. that aroused. Stop procrastinating, start! start!! Start!!!. Try and be courageous enough to start something today, I say start now and think big!

Richard Brandson, the founder of Virgin Group. The company that owns Virgin Atlantic Airlines and other companies, started business by selling music records on the streets of London. Today he has been able to build a future from that humble beginning as a young man. Mr. Richard Brandson is today one of the World Billionaires.
Fubu Fashion Corporation is a popular success fashion designer. This business was started by two first associates who started business by hawking on Wall Street. As time went on, there sales began to increase and they started understanding the mechanic of business better. With time, they conceived the idea of setting up their fashion designing label and that was how Fubu fashion trade mark was born. Today the form has grown into a multi-million dollar business and still growing thanks to sales skills and knowledge, these two have humbly acquired
Starting small is the smartest way to start.
Where and how you start is not as important as where you finish. It is where you finish that counts and not where you start. You become great by doing small things in a great way. Luke16:10 says’ whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much. Big things always begin small. Acorns become oak trees. Steve Jobs of Apple, makers of Mac computer and the ipod started his business with his partner in a garage. They did not want because of lack of office in a busy area before launching out. Today you can see the impact of your ipod or your iphone. Something that started from a garage.
Starting means stepping into brand new possibilities that you never knew existed. To start means that you believe in your God, in your dream and in yourself. You should be willing to commit yourself, your time, your finances, your resources, and your time, to the materialization of your vision. The smart way to succeed is to start.
I read that Micheal Dell of Dell computers started out from his dormitory room during his days, like wise Bill Gates of Microsoft incorporation and his partner Paul Allen. They all started small. No single successful business empire ever started big. They all started small, from the bottom. Today they all look big and real perfect but they never started that way, you can start this way. This is the best way to start. Start with what you have and not with you don’t have. If you think enough what you have is enough to start. Start with what you have from where you are.
Winning starts from beginning. The truth must be told and it is, you must be ready to start small. John Mason says,” people who think they are too big to do little things are perhaps too little to do big things!!
May people are not ready to start small because of what their friends and colleagues will say. They are so concern about what they will say. They are so concern about what they will say than starting something. Don’t wait for big opportunities or resources to start. If you wait you will waste. Waiting is wasting. Little things evolve into greater and success. Job 7:12 says,’’ though your beginning may be small but, your latter end shall greatly increase’. There is always a starting point to every success. ‘Despite not the days of your little beginning”, it is starting pointing and not your destination. Zech. 4:10 says,” For who has despise the days of small things”.
Several people remain where they are now simply because they want to start big. Most cases, it may take a life time. Life would be constant if there was no provision for change. Everything on the surface of the earth is likely to change. The only constant thing is change. Every change except change.
 The law of growth states that the law growth exists to ensure that something and determined by the kind of quality of seed which is planted.
When you start small it gives you the opportunity to measure your growth, it makes you start a small capital and take a less risk incase of any eventuality. It also helps you to build character and develop your attitude. The way you handle small things, so shall you handle big things. If you can’t handle small things well, you can’t get big things or big things will never come your way.
Smallness comes before success and area tress. A small seed planted does not die but grows bigger bigger with time. You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great when you start small.  
­One of the fundamental success secrets and strategies is to start small. God Himself started small. He created just a man Adam and from there He created a woman (Eve) today we have more about seven billion people on the surface of this planet earth. The reasons why people refuse to start small are:
v   ABSENCE OF INITIATIVE: They lack the technical knowhow. They fail to understand the fact that little things if well handled can turn into big and bigger things.
v    PROUD SPIRIT: Many folks are too proud t start small. They look at their past and concludes that to start small will daint their ego. My candid advices are that just pause and swallow your pride before shame and poverty will swallow you up. 
Bishop (Dr.) David Oyedepo, Chancellor of Covenant University, Otta, Nigeria and the Senior Pastor of Winners Chapel said he started small. When he bean his Ministry, the ‘International Headquarters’ of his Ministry (Living Faith Church Worldwide) was table tennis board! He usually arranged some chairs around the tennis board and there with his staff and few members, held strategic meetings from morning until evening when the had to quit the board for the players who used it regularly in the evening time. But today, as I write this book, Dr. Oyedepo is the richest Nigerian Pastor in the world with private Jets. The Ministry International Headquarters at Otta, Ogun stat, Nigeria has the largest Church auditorium in the world and a University (Covenant) sitting on hundreds of areas of land. Dear reader, Dr. Oyedepo started small and today he is known to worldwide and he has authored more than 40 life transforming books.
I have met people who want to start a business and they are waiting until they have all the money they need to start the business at the highest entry level. They keep on waiting and waiting but nothing happens and they sometimes get despondent. They people fail top understand that the more the wait the more the waste. Perfectionists want to have the Mac computers and the ipod started his business with his partner in a garage. They didn’t wait until they had an office complex in a highbrow area before launching their business. Take a look at your ipod or iphone and see how far they have come since their days in a garage. Michael Dell of Dell computers starter his business in his dormitory room in college, so did the founders of Microsoft, Bill Gates and his partner Paul Allen. They started small and their business grew to become the international and successful companies that they are today. No successful business began at the top; they all started from the bottom they may took also close to perfect today but they never began that way. You should do  the same strive to produce excellence with the resources you presently have at your disposal then make continuous improvements as you go along.
None of the richest people became a billionaire in one day; all of them started small. Most Nigerians want to make one million naira in one day; most people do not want to get wealthy all of a sudden. If you can get rid of that mindset, then you are on your way to billions. Be ready to start small, despite not the days of little beginnings: everything big, started small. Nothing big started big, everything big started small. Rome was never built in a day. Stop looking for sudden millions it’s never like that.
If you start small, that is the time you can grow big; your income from that business may be discouraging but let me tell you, several years ago, kenturkey was not given an opportunity until the 100th time. That was how the 60 years old man started small and became a brand in the fast food business.
The promise fast food started small. Pastor Alabi started “The promise” form the back of this house. They use to go to banks and collect orders and be supplying them are after the other. Today, the promise fast is everywhere in Nigeria. There is a particular company at Oshodi in Lagos that is very big today and is even listed on the Nigerian stock exchange. It started small.
                                              SECRET  NINETEEN
Success comes to those who think about success and strive for it.’’-Anontomous
If you think possibilities, your emotion will move to expectation-Odulele
A life battle doesn’t always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can
When you think you are defeated, your whole system will say that you are really defeated.
Your present level is a product and outcome of your past thought life. Your life will always more in the direction of your dominant thought. The Bible says, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” your life is a bye product of your thought If  you always think smallness you will never see greatness.
Thoughts are powerful. Thought is the seed of all achievement.”-Sam Adeyemi’
Man can alter his life by altering his thoughts. The only way your life will be different from what is now is for you to change the way you are thinking. The quality of your thoughts.
The rich pause and think when they have money, but the poor only spend when they have money.
The way out of financial predicament, challenges and hardship is to change your thinking. Your thinking can make or mar you.

The power of thought is the only thing over which you have absolute control. To use this power effectively, you must think accurately. Accurate thinkers permit no one to do their thinking for then.
The principal difference between the rich and the poor is their thoughts; what they think. You cannot be one thing within you and believe that your life will be something different from who you are within. You cannot think failure in your mind but expect to experience success in your life. Some people have not made a correction between their thoughts and the events going on in their lives. The truth is that we cannot ignore the impact of our thoughts on our are daily activities. Our thoughts rule the world.
We must understand that our thoughts determine what happens in our lives. If you want to change your outer world, you have to begin by changing your inner world; your thoughts. As a man thinks, so he is. Where you are in life is a reflection of the thoughts you cherish, encourage, harbor and allow to reign freely in your mind. For more on thinking, get my book, Winning Wisdom Worldwide.


There is a saying that one good word is enough for the wise. This book has presented to you; more than just a good word. It is my desire that you use these words so as to move from where you are today to where you desire to be. To become a billionaire is not an insurmountable mountain. Those who are there were not created with special raw materials; they are not different from you ate all. They only discovered the secrets I have reveled in this book ands applied them do the same therefore, and become the billionaire you were born to be.

·       Pause and Reflect.
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·       Discover your destiny.
·       Make News with your talents.
·       Business Opportunities in Nigeria today.

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·       Business Success Secrets and Growth Strategies
·       The Highway to Higher ground and Honour
·       The Gateway to Greatness
·       Destiny Killers
·       Success Secrets and Strategies
·       Winning Wisdom Worldwide
·       The Winning Wisdom
·       How to Maximize Opportunities
·       Wisdom for Singles and Couples
·       Healthy Habits Handbook
·       Fulfilling your Destiny
·       Financial Freedom for Ever
·       The Way to Wealth
·       The Road to Riches
·       The laws of Leadership
·       The Pathway to Peak Performance
·       Seventeen Secrets of World Billionaires and many others   

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.Business Clinic
.Career Counseling
.Motivational Seminars

To  make  many  discover, define, develop,  deplore  and  direct  their  divine  destiny  thereby  making  them  fulfill  their  destiny.
To  prepare  and  package  people  to  pursue  their  purpose. 

v    Discover your  divine  destiny  conferences – January  and July
v    Business opportunities in  Nigeria today  summit  (The  Exceptional Entrepreneur) – March and September
v    Success  Secrets  and  Strategies  Seminars (SSSS) – May and November
v    Phdi Anniversary Celebration. – August  

Mobile Phones: 08067912880, 08077773301 08101383588, 08097793088, 08026131880
Corporate  Office: No.173 Oron road, Oron, Akwa Ibom  State, Nigeria. 
PhDi – --Preparing  and  packaging  people  to  pursue their  purpose!   


  1. Hello. veiwer am here to share my testimony on how I finally join
    the Illuminati hood and became rich , I tried all my possible best to

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    given to me by the Illuminati and also have power to do that which

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    looking for help .Here is his>> Email dgreatpowerfullilluminati@gmail .com

    You can get in touch with him. OR contact him with this number whatsapp
    +2347052302954, thanks,,,

    Join the great Illuminati today and become rich, famous and wealthy in business, music, political, social and economic world and also get sum of 5 million dollars with a free home of your choose to live, in the world. And also be receiving 3 million dollar as monthly income and also been giving money to start up a business of your choice…
    If you are intresterd fill the following information to this email below
    Full name………………………………
    State of origin……………………….
    Date of birth………………………….
    Email address………………………
    Attach Scan I’d card,passport or driver license
    containing your full details Tell us little about your self and
    Attach scan school certificate.. No dirty
    human sacrifices and No evil…is a cult of Illuminati group of the prominent. our email:
    mobile contact +12675278086 or whatsapp +2348100876275


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