by Akanimo Inim

  • Cleave unto God

Proverbs 3:5, 6 says “ Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path”. It is not possible for you to maximize your destiny alone by making use of your senses- your emotions, your feelings, your intellect etc. Be sure that if the best part of life, one’s youth  is given to the Lord, you will have the best things in life.

Today if you open your heart to the Lord and seek to find him with all of your heart, He will begin to reveal to you the greatest revelation in your life. This is the revelation of your destiny and who you are, what your blessings are and what He has made you capable of doing. It doesn’t matter how much time you have lost, or what has already passed you by, if you decide now to make Jesus you personal Lord and Savior and remain faithful. He will make it up for you for He knows just what you need and how to get you to achieve it.

Jesus said, “follows me and I will make you fishers of men”. That’s when you keep close, undistracted relationship with God, you’ll simply be soaring where others are suffering. If you wont depart from your source, you’ll never lack resources.

Attempting to do any thing without Him makes you a failure. Your effort amounts to total futility and complete frustration.

  • Focus is Vital

If you are not focused, you can simply be describe as a confused person with clear indication of lack of vision and mission on earth. Take a closer look at children while playing. They always move quickly from one place to another and from one activity to activity. They dissipate a lot of energy but get little done. This is the result of lack of focus.

Focus is vital for you to maximize your destiny. Your talent, interest, passion etc with focus directs you and has the potency to take you far.

Hunk Aaron says, “I think what separates a superstar from the average ballplayer is that he concentrates just a little longer”.

Focus is doing one thing, one way at a time at a place consistently over a period of time. When a man is not focused, his ability, power, talent, creativity is fragmented thereby losing impact.

The only reason men fail is because of broken focus. The devil cannot step you from fulfilling your destiny instead his only weapon is to make you loose focus. So if Satan can blur the focus of your vision, assignment, destiny, he has master you. Recognize that broken focus will destroy your dreams. So take personal responsibility by guarding what you hear, sees, do etc.

Focus on one talent, passion, gift and ability and develop it. When it brings in the results your desires, then move on to the next one and develop it. I have applied this advice I just gave you in my own life and it has produce fantastic results for me. You will be wise to do the same.

If you want to become very successful in life, you must learn to become focused on one thing. When you become focused, your greatest energy will be awakened and unleashed. You will do very little and achieve so much.

The truth is that attempting to do everything you are capable of could make you become a mediocre at all of them.

  • The Place Of Action

None of the secrets of success will work unless you do. Nothing can come out of nothing”.
“The only time a lazy person ever succeed is when he tries to do nothing”.
                                                       -John Mason

No matter what you know, if you don’t take action or do it now, you will not maximize your destiny. For you to live the life of your vision, you have to learn to take action.

You can’t afford to wait for something to happen to change your life. Waiting will compound your situation. Success is a deliberate process. It is a personal responsibility which cannot be abdicated.

Put your plan into action. Work it until it produces result for you. Be focused, be deliberate and consciously move in the direction of your goals, passion and destiny. Take action. It will transform your vision to reality.

You must have heard the saying “if wishes were horses, all beggars will ride”. This is as a result of the fact that wishes only remain wishes until acted upon.

Life does not produce results by intention, but by action. Many people spend all their time on the planning table of intentions and never produce fruits in the real world of action.

Get to work because whatever will be, will not be; you have to make it be, and if you don’t work it, it will not work.

Many people have good intentions and desires but never see it become a reality due to the lack of action on their part.

To have a good intention without acting on it, is like winking to a lady in the dark and expecting her to respond. None of the secrets of success will work unless you do, and be informed that nothing can come out of nothing.

  • Attitude Matters

“You are only an attitude away from success”.
                                              -John C. Maxwell
Mike Murdock says, “your attitude simply means the way you look at things, your opinion and reaction to people, what you think about life, what you think about God. Your attitude is your personal interpretation and value you place on others around you”. Your attitude is your reaction or disposition to thing, events, structures, and people. It has a powerful influence on whether we maximize our destiny or otherwise. Without a positive attitude to life, you can never make any progress in life. So maximizing your destiny is a direct function of your attitude.

A wise man once said, “Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind”. You can hardly maximize your destiny unless your attitude changes positively. Every winning begins with an attitude. Abraham Lincoln said, “People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be”. A wise man said that attitude is everything.
Dear friend, what is your attitude towards your friends, children’s, spouse, customers, Boss, God” Etc.  Peoples attitude determine how they approach life day to day. Your attitude, more than your aptitude, will determine your altitude. A positive attitude is one of the keys to success in life and positive thoughts creates a positive attitude. A positive attitude will take you higher in life than your aptitude or skills.

The word ATTITUDE from the 26 letters of the alphabets are summarize thus:-
A = 1, T=20, T=20, I = 9, T=20, U = 21, D = 4, E =5
1+ 20 +20 + 9 +20 + 21 + 4 + 5 = 100
Your attitude should be 100% positive.

  • The Power Of Information 

Knowledge is what determines the degree of impact anybody makes. The deeper the knowledge, the greater the impact. You are not a failure because somebody is against you, you are a failure simply because you do not know what it takes to be a success. God says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shall be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of the God, I will also forget thy children”. Hosea 4:6

At the root of every revolution is revelation, and the basis for every transformation is information. It was the information JOB had access to that transformed him to a man of impact. Nothing can take the place of studies in life; not your gift, and definitely not the anointing! The things you need can be purchased through knowledge.

Nothing empowers like knowledge. To be informed is to be transformed and to be uniformed is to be deformed.

Information is the key factor to man’s success in the race of maximizing his/her destiny. David Oyedepo said, “being informed not just knowing something, it is possessing a working knowledge of that thing. There are many things you know, but you don’t have a working knowledge of. Until you know how it is applied, it holds no value”.

You cannot go beyond the information at your disposal. The brighter you see, the faster you go. The more informed you are, the greater the results you command. Henry Ford said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, either at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young”. That is, to keep ones mind open to new insight and information that will help into generating solutions to bugging issues.

To get to the top of your calling in life, you need information. To maximize your destiny, you must invest in information. Someone said knowledge is power. The difference between success and failure most times could be what you know.

Many people who struggle in life are victims of ignorance. Information is the key that unlocks so many doors of destiny. Information places you on a platform of power. What you know will open doors for you. It is interesting to note that no one can take your knowledge away from you. Once you acquire information, it all yours.

Someone said that there are no mountains; that our ignorance is the only mountain we have. When we look at the obstacles in our path of destiny, we may begin to think that they are insurmountable.  But dear reader, the moment you connect with the right information that deals with that challenge, it becomes a walk over.

I will suggest that you invest heavily in information acquisition today become that will determine and shape your destiny tomorrow.

Every revolution is a function of acquired information. Hear what Pastor David Ibiyeomie, the Senior Pastor of Salvation Ministries, one of the fastest growing churches is Port Harcourt, Nigeria said in an interview with the publisher of Star World Magazine. “I traveled recently to London for a conference and when I totaled the amount I spent on books it was N402,000.00k”.

You cannot read and not lead. Every leader is a reader or every reader will end up leading. Somebody said, “if you want to hide anything from a Blackman hide it inside a book he will not find it”. I believe the reason he made this statement is because the black man does not have a reading culture. When you read, read and read one day you would be read. Can you see that now you are reading this book because I’m a voracious reader.

The process of information they say brings transformation. Consult books authored by authorities relevant to your field of studies or endeavor. Cultivate the habit of reading inspirational books and not junks. Read books that will sharpen your mind and destiny. Read anointed and relevant books that will stimulate your mind positively.

Leaders are readers and readers are leaders. The books you read and the friends you keep determines where you will be in five years time. The difference between the ruler and the ruled is information. When you read, you climb on the shoulders of others and it helps you to see farther by learning from their wealth of experience.

If you want to maximize your destiny, I recommend one book per week because this is what I have practiced for the past ten years. I will also suggest that you read at least books commensurate to your age on any aspect of life you want to excel in. for example, if you are  forty(40) years old now and you desire to move your business or calling to the next level, read at least forty books about business or young calling. It will help you maximize your destiny.

Read professional journals and trade magazines to keep current on the latest developments ion your field and be actively involve in professional organizations relevant to your field like Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM) etc. W. Fusselman says, “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader”.

Information is so vital that without it, man will make no progress. Brain Tracy says, “What you don’t know can hurt you, and hold you back”. So who needs information? Every one of us. We should be able to update our information on a regular basis, that way; we will remain current and relevant in the scheme of things. This is why successful people are always searching for new information and idea.     

The story of Bill Gate – the computer guru readily comes to mind. By age 11, Bill conceived a vision of the information age and till age 19 he read all he could lay his hands on about computer. By age 24, he had not only become a millionaire but the chief executive officer of a fast – growing computer company known as Microsoft. Today, Bill Gate is among the wealthiest men on earth Another example is Anthony Robbins. While Tony was in school, he became a committed reader and according to his testimony, he had read above 700 books ranging from philosophy, psychology, management to motivation. Today, Anthony Robins at age 35 is a major consultant to presidents, renowned world leaders and corporate organizations etc.

You are either building a library or a mortuary. David Oyedepo once bought books worth $19,000. you cannot grow above the knowledge you have. The secret of David Oyedepo and his protégées in the ministry is reading. Somebody said if we begin to read more, we will begin to pay less. The International preachers, men of God you known very well are all voracious readers. Mike Murdock for example has 114 books in print today. Where did he get these kind of knowledge & wisdom from if not from books.

It is ignorance that creates inferiority complex among men. Inferiority is the harvest of the seed of ignorance while superiority is the harvest you reap from acquiring knowledge. Acquisition of knowledge is the process of building superiority mentality.

Think of what fertilizer is to seed and you will know what knowledge is to the soul of man. Make out time out of your schedules to develop yourself, be hunger for knowledge and feed your mind positively through deliberate acquisition of relevant knowledge.

If you ever want to succeed in any field, you need to build a library of books, videos, tools and materials that will get you grounded in that field. As an author, who likes to read books, I have in the past ten (10) years plus built a library of tools, books videos, audios etc. that has helped me through the roughest of time and challenges of life. 

The world now is ruled by information. Authors, information marketing practioners are making money daily selling and teaching what they know to us.

Dear reader, the important of information cannot be over emphasized in our fast moving planet. According to Benjamin Disraeli, “the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information”. This attest to reason why successful people seek and hunger for more information.

Every man is intelligent but only those who bring out their best effort in learning more in the area of their calling do really show forth their intelligence. Quit the level of dormant intelligence and stir up your intelligence by acquiring relevant facts and information.
Akanimo Inim is a Motivational Teacher, Author of a number of books, Life Coach and the Founder/Int'l.President of Power Household of Destiny International(PhDi),Uyo and PH.


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