
Showing posts from 2011


DISCOVER YOUR TALENTS By Akanimo Inim “ If you discover your talents, choose a field that uses those talents appropriately; you will rise to the top of your field”.                                                             -BEN CARSON “I do not want to die until I have faithfully made the most of my talent and cultivated the seed that was place in me” - Kathe Kell Witz (1867-1945)  “If a man has talent and cannot use it, he has failed, if he has a talent and uses only half of it, he has partly failed. If he has talent and learns some how to use the whole of it, he has gloriously succeeded,  and won a satisfaction and a triumph few men will ever know”. -Thomas Wolfe. According to the Oxford Learners Dictionary, to discover, means to be the first person to become aware that a particular place or thing exists. Example the singer was discovered while still at school.             “There is no one who cannot find a place for himself in our kind of
                                                       HOW TO MAXIMIZE YOUR DESTINY(1) by Akanimo Inim Cleave unto God Proverbs 3:5, 6 says “ Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path”. It is not possible for you to maximize your destiny alone by making use of your senses- your emotions, your feelings, your intellect etc. Be sure that if the best part of life, one’s youth  is given to the Lord, you will have the best things in life. Today if you open your heart to the Lord and seek to find him with all of your heart, He will begin to reveal to you the greatest revelation in your life. This is the revelation of your destiny and who you are, what your blessings are and what He has made you capable of doing. It doesn’t matter how much time you have lost, or what has already passed you by, if you decide now to make Jesus you personal Lord and Savior a
THINK BIG AND START SMALL “The journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With A Step”. To sharpen your talent and what you love doing, you must be willing to start with small things.  Don’t be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you much stronger. If you do little things well, the big ones tend to take care of themselves. Great athletes pay attention to small details and practice them consistently. Tiger Woods first gained national attention on a talk show when he beat the famed comedian Bob Hope (1903) in a “putting” Contest. The young boy was only three at that time, but was quickly hailed as a prodigy. Not long after that, Woods was featured on the popular TV show called “that’s incredible”. Turning pro at just 20. It took Woods just eight months to register his impact winning masters and PGA (Professional Gofers Association) events. Whatever is your calling, talent in life, it’s Important to start on a small scale. Doing this


HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR DESTINY 1.       The God Factor You don’t decide your destiny. God has decided it for you already. I challenge you to begin discovering your destiny today through God’s word. Every person on earth was created for a specific and unique reason. However, it is up to each of us to seek God and ask him to unlock the mystery behind our existence. The Lord knows the end of every man from the beginning like an open book. God has charted a path for all mankind and he alone knowns the way to get   on that path and finally to the destiny. One then has to get to him to catch a glimpse   of what HE wrote on the book. it is the manufacturer that decides the purpose of their product, not the product. It is also the products manual that direct how the product should be operated. Failure to follow the manual correctly, leads to frustration, as you wouldn’t be able to operate it successfully. God is your manufacturer, so he decided what you will be (your destiny) before you we


  Destiny is predetermined course of events considered   as something beyond human power or   control.   It is somebody’s preordained future: the apparently predetermined and inevitable series of events that happen to somebody or something. Destination is the place where one is going or is directed. Everyone has a destiny in God. Something for which he/she was created to accomplish. To soar and not sink; to fly and not faint;, to win and not lose; is what you are about you encounter. According to Myles Munroe, he said, “the greatest tragedy on earth is someone who passed   over the earth without locating God’s purpose for his/ he r life. These people lived an unfulfilled life without positively affecting his/her generation”. Everyone is endowed with gifts, talents and abilities which can be discovered   and harnessed to achieve great success in life. It is my fervent belief that any body who will discover has calling, abilities , gifts and talents will definitely maximize   his/ h